Version_General - OpenKnx/Kaenx-Creator GitHub Wiki

This is the view where you can edit all general information of your Version.

Property Description
Activate Help Check if you want to use Helptexts
Activate Messages Check if you want to use Messages
Activate Modules Check if you want to use Modules
Activate Unions Check if you want to use Union in your Version
Addresstable Specify the Addresstable
Associationtable Specify the associationtable
ComObjecttable Specify comobjecttable
View depends on MaskVersion.
Memory and Offset is visible to Absoulte only.
Offset is visible to Relative only.
Default Language The default language in the application XML
Generate ParameterRefs automaticly If you check this field ParameterRefs will be generated automaticly.
So you dont have to worry about them. Each Parameter will have exactly one ParameterRef. If you import an Application this option will be unchecked.
Generate ComObjectRefs automaticly Same as above with ComObjectRef
Is PreETS4 Use this if you want the ETS to handle your KnxProd like ETS3. (See PreETS4)
Languages/Edit Here you can add new Languages or remove unused ones
Name For internal use only
Replaces following Versions If you enter here an older Versionnumber the ETS will an Update button.
Update means all parameters keep theyre configuration. Otherwise the ETS will only display *Change* which overwrites all parameters with the default value
Text Will not be dispayed
Version Versionnumber of your Version
The Unsigned Integer will be splittet in HighNibble.LowNibble
01 = V 0.1
16 = V 1.0

Let's go

Now we can create a Memory.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️