Dynamic_Channel - OpenKNX/Kaenx-Creator GitHub Wiki

A Channel groups ParameterBlocks.
Only the first Channel will be visible.
Channels in Channels or Channels in ParameterBlocks will only be seen in the ComObjectTree.
It's a good way to group ComObjects.

In the Image above you can see that the Channel (with display text Channel) has a - on the left.
Its for collapsing and unfolding the Channel.
Let's see it in the Creator Tool:


Property Description
Icon Select the Icon which will be displayed on the left
Name For internal use only
Number Like the ID
Text Displayed Text
Text Parameter Select a ParameterRef for the dynamic Text

XML Example

<Channel Name="Generic" Text="" Number="0" Id="M-00FA_A-0001-01-000_CH-0">


You can add following Items:

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