API URLs - OpenJUB/dreamjub GitHub Wiki
This page lists a tree of the URLs we will have, and a detailed description for each endpoint further below.
-- API version 1-
-- Namespace for getting information about users.- GET
-- Filters the user list by the given expression - GET
-- Gets information about the currently authenticated user (or a 404) - GET
-- Single user record, by username- GET
-- Returns the users' image
The search format is based on the following abstract grammar. Everything starting with // is a comment.
EXPRESSION = BOOLEAN // true or false
| UNARY_OP // a unary operation (which takes one expression)
| BINARY_OP // a binary operation (which takes two expressions)
| BINARY_FILTER // a filter (which takes a field and a value)
UNARY_OP = "not" EXPRESSION // inverts expression
BINARY_OP = EXPRESSION "and" EXPRESSION // is TRUE iff both expressions are TRUE
| EXPRESSION "or" EXPRESSION // is TRUE iff at least one expression is TRUE
| EXPRESSION "nand" EXPRESSION // is TRUE iff not both expressions are TRUE
| EXPRESSION "xor" EXPRESSION // is TRUE iff exactly one expression is TRUE
BINARY_FILTER = STRING "equals" STRING // check if one field equals to a fixed value
| STRING "less" NUMBER // check if one field is less than some value
| STRING "less or equal" NUMBER // check if one field is less or equal than some value
| STRING "greater" NUMBER // check if one field is bigger than some value
| STRING "greater or equal" NUMBER // check if one field is bigger or equal than some value
| STRING "contains" STRING // check if one field contains a string
| STRING "matches" REGEX // check if one field matches a regular expression