LDAP Connector - OpenIdentityPlatform/OpenICF GitHub Wiki

The generic LDAP connector is based on JNDI, and can be used to connect to any LDAPv3-compliant directory server, such as OpenDJ, Active Directory, SunDS, Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition, IBM Security Directory Server, and OpenLDAP.

OpenICF provides a legacy Active Directory (AD) .NET connector. Note, however, that the AD Connector will be deprecated in a future OpenICF release, and, ultimately, support for its use with OpenIDM will be discontinued. For simple Active Directory (and Active Directory LDS) deployments, the generic LDAP Connector works better than the Active Directory connector, in most circumstances. Using the generic LDAP connector avoids the need to install a remote connector server in the overall deployment. In addition, the generic LDAP connector has significant performance advantages over the Active Directory connector. For more complex Active Directory deployments, use the PowerShell Connector Toolkit

Setting Up the Generic LDAP Connector

Three sample LDAP connector configurations are provided in the samples/provisioners directory:

You should be able to adapt one of these sample configurations for any LDAPv3-compliant server. The connectorRef configuration property provides information about the LDAP connector bundle, and is the same in all three sample LDAP connector configurations:

"connectorRef": {
        "connectorHostRef": "#LOCAL",
        "bundleName" : "org.openidentityplatform.openicf.connectors.ldap-connector",
        "bundleVersion" : "[,2)",
        "connectorName" : "org.identityconnectors.ldap.LdapConnector"

The connectorHostRef property is optional, if you use the connector .jar provided in openidm/connectors, and you use a local connector server.

The following excerpt shows the configuration properties in the sample LDAP connector for OpenDJ. These properties are described in detail later in this section

  "configurationProperties": {
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 1389,
    "ssl": false,
    "startTLS": false,
    "principal": "cn=Directory Manager",
    "credentials": "password",
    "baseContexts": [
    "baseContextsToSynchronize": [
    "accountSearchFilter": null,
    "accountSynchronizationFilter": null,
    "groupSearchFilter": null,
    "groupSynchronizationFilter": null,
    "passwordAttributeToSynchronize": null,
    "synchronizePasswords": false,
    "removeLogEntryObjectClassFromFilter": true,
    "modifiersNamesToFilterOut": [
    "passwordDecryptionKey": null,
    "changeLogBlockSize": 100,
    "attributesToSynchronize": [
    "changeNumberAttribute": "changeNumber",
    "passwordDecryptionInitializationVector": null,
    "filterWithOrInsteadOfAnd": false,
    "objectClassesToSynchronize": [
    "vlvSortAttribute": "uid",
    "passwordAttribute": "userPassword",
    "useBlocks": false,
    "maintainPosixGroupMembership": false,
    "failover": [
    "readSchema": true,
    "accountObjectClasses": [
    "accountUserNameAttributes": [
    "groupMemberAttribute": "uniqueMember",
    "passwordHashAlgorithm": null,
    "usePagedResultControl": true,
    "blockSize": 100,
    "uidAttribute": "dn",
    "maintainLdapGroupMembership": false,
    "respectResourcePasswordPolicyChangeAfterReset": false


The host name or IP address of the server on which the LDAP instance is running.


The port on which the LDAP server listens for LDAP requests. The sample configuration specifies a default port of 1389.


If true, the specified port listens for LDAPS connections. If you use the LDAP connector over SSL, set the ssl property to true, and the port to 636 in the connector configuration file. You must also specify the path to a truststore in your project's conf/system.properties file. A truststore is provided by default at security/truststore. Add the following line to the system.properties file, substituting the path to your own truststore if you do not want to use the default:

#Set the truststore


Specifies whether to use the startTLS operation to initiate a TLS/SSL session. To use startTLS, set "startTLS":true, and "ssl":false. Your connection should use the insecure LDAP port (typically 389 or 1389 for an OpenDJ server).


The bind DN that is used to connect to the LDAP server.


The password of the principal that is used to connect to the LDAP server.


One or more starting points in the LDAP tree that will be used when searching the tree. Searches are performed when discovering users from the LDAP server or when looking for the groups of which a user is a member. During reconciliation operations, OpenIDM searches through the base contexts listed in this property for changes.


One or more starting points in the LDAP tree that will be used to determine if a change should be synchronized. During LiveSync operations, OpenIDM searches through the base contexts listed in this property for changes. If no value is specified here, the values in listed in the baseContexts property are used.


Used during synchronization actions to filter out LDAP accounts.


This property lists all the object classes that represent an account. If this property has multiple values, an OR filter is used to determine the affected entries. For example, if the value of this property is ["organizationalPerson", "inetOrgPerson"], any entry with the object class organizationalPerson OR the object class inetOrgPerson is considered as an account entry. The value of this property must not include the top object class.


Search filter that user accounts must match.


Attributes holding the account's user name. Used during authentication to find the LDAP entry matching the user name.


List of attributes used during object synchronization. OpenIDM ignores change log updates that do not include any of the specified attributes. If empty, OpenIDM considers all changes.


Block size for simple paged results and VLV index searches, reflecting the maximum number of entries retrieved at any one time.


Block size used when fetching change log entries.


Change log attribute containing the last change number.


LDAP URLs specifying alternative LDAP servers to connect to if OpenIDM cannot connect to the primary LDAP server specified in the host and port properties.


In most cases, the filter to fetch change log entries is AND-based. If this property is set, the filter ORs the required change numbers instead.


LDAP attribute holding members for non-POSIX static groups.


Search filter that group entries must match.


If true, OpenIDM modifies group membership when entries are renamed or deleted. In the sample LDAP connector configuration file provided with OpenIDM, this property is set to false. This means that LDAP group membership is not modified when entries are renamed or deleted in OpenIDM. To ensure that entries are removed from LDAP groups when the entries are deleted, set this property to true or enable referential integrity on the LDAP server. For information about configuring referential integrity in OpenDJ, see Configuring Referential Integrity in the OpenDJ Administration Guide.


If true, OpenIDM modifies POSIX group membership when entries are renamed or deleted.


Use this property to avoid loops caused by changes made to managed user objects being synchronized.


OpenIDM synchronizes only entries that have these object classes.


Attribute to which OpenIDM writes the predefined PASSWORD attribute.


OpenIDM synchronizes password values on this attribute.


This is a legacy attribute, and its value should remain set to null. To configure password synchronization between an LDAP server and OpenIDM, use one of the password synchronization plugins, described in Synchronizing Passwords Between OpenIDM and an LDAP Server in the Integrator's Guide.


This is a legacy attribute, and its value should remain set to null. To configure password synchronization between an LDAP server and OpenIDM, use one of the password synchronization plugins, described in Synchronizing Passwords Between OpenIDM and an LDAP Server in the Integrator's Guide.


Hash password values with the specified algorithm, if the LDAP server stores them in clear text. The hash algorithm can be one of the following:

  • NONE - Clear text
  • WIN-AD - Used for password changes to Active Directory
  • SHA - Secure Hash Algorithm
  • SHA-1 - A 160-bit hash algorithm that resembles the MD5 algorithm
  • SSHA - Salted SHA
  • MD5 - A 128-bit message-digest algorithm
  • SMD5 - Salted MD5


If true, read the schema from the LDAP server. This property is used only during the connector setup, to generate the object types. If this property is false, the LDAP connector provides a basic default schema that can manage LDAP users and groups. The default schema maps inetOrgPerson to the OpenICF ACCOUNT property, and groupOfUniqueNames to the OpenICF GROUP property. The following LDAP object classes are also included in the default schema:



If true, the filter to fetch change log entries does not contain the changeLogEntry object class, and OpenIDM expects no entries with other object types in the change log. The default setting is true.


If true, bind with the Password Expired and Password Policy controls, and throw PasswordExpiredException and other exceptions appropriately.


This is a legacy attribute, and its value should remain set to false. To configure password synchronization between an LDAP server and OpenIDM, use one of the password synchronization plugins, described in Synchronizing Passwords Between OpenIDM and an LDAP Server in the Integrator's Guide.


Specifies the LDAP attribute that should be used as the immutable ID (UID) for the entry. For an OpenDJ resource, you should use the entryUUID. You can use the DN as the UID attribute but note that this is not immutable.


If useBlocks is false, no pagination is used. If useBlocks is true, the connector uses block-based LDAP controls, either the simple paged results control, or the virtual list view control, depending on the setting of the usePagedResultControl property.


Taken into account only if useBlocks is true. If usePagedResultControl is false, the connector uses the virtual list view (VLV) control, if it is available. If usePagedResultControl is true, the connector uses the simple paged results control for search operations.


If true, use timestamps for LiveSync operations, instead of the change log. By default, the LDAP connector has a change log strategy for LDAP servers that support a change log (such as OpenDJ and Oracle Directory Server Enterprise Edition). If the LDAP server does not support a change log, or if the change log is disabled, LiveSync for create and modify operations can still occur, based on the timestamps of modifications.


Attribute used as the sort key for virtual list view.

Controlling What the LDAP Connector Synchronizes

To control the set of LDAP entries that are affected by reconciliation and automatic synchronization operations, set the following properties in the provisioner configuration. Automatic synchronization operations includes LiveSync (synchronization of changes from the LDAP server to OpenIDM) and implicit sync (synchronization from the OpenIDM repository to the LDAP server).


The starting points in the LDAP tree that are used when searching the directory tree, for example, dc=example,dc=com. These base contexts must include the set of users and the set of groups that must be searched during reconciliation operations.


The starting points in the LDAP tree that are used to determine if a change should be synchronized. This property is used only for automatic synchronization operations. Only entries that fall under these base contexts are considered during synchronization operations.


Only user accounts that match this filter are searched, and therefore affected by reconciliation and synchronization operations. If you do not set this property, all accounts within the base contexts specified previously are searched.


This property is used during reconciliation and automatic synchronization operations, and filters out any LDAP accounts that you specifically want to exclude from these operations.


During automatic synchronization operations, only the object classes listed here are considered for changes. OpenIDM ignores change log updates (or changes to managed objects) which do not have any of the object classes listed here. If this property is not set, OpenIDM considers changes to all attributes specified in the mapping.


During automatic synchronization operations, only the attributes listed here are considered for changes. Objects that include these attributes are synchronized. Objects that do not include these attributes are ignored. If this property is not set, OpenIDM considers changes to all attributes specified in the mapping. Automatic synchronization includes LiveSync and implicit synchronization operations. For more information, see Types of Synchronization in the Integrator's Guide This attribute works only with LDAP servers that log changes in a change log, not with servers (such as Active Directory) that use other mechanisms to track changes.


This property enables you to define a list of DNs. During synchronization operations, the connector ignores changes made by these DNs.

When a managed user object is updated, and that change is synchronized to the LDAP server, the change made on the LDAP server is recorded in the change log. A LiveSync operation picks up the change, and attempts to replay the change on the managed user object, effectively resulting in a loop of updates.

To avoid this situation, you can specify a unique user in your LDAP directory, that will be used only for the LDAP connector. The unique user must be something other than cn=directory manager, for example cn=openidmuser. You can then include that user DN as the value of modifiersNamesToFilterOut. When a change is made through the LDAP connector, and that change is recorded in the change log, the modifier's name (cn=openidmuser) is flagged and OpenIDM does not attempt to replay the change back to the managed user repository. So you are effectively indicating that OpenIDM should not synchronized changes back to managed user that originated from managed user, thus preventing the update loop.

This attribute works only with LDAP servers that log changes in a change log, not with servers (such as Active Directory) that use other mechanisms to track changes.

Using the Generic LDAP Connector With Active Directory

The LDAP connector provides new functionality for managing Active Directory users and groups. Among other changes, the new connector can handle the following operational attributes to manage Active Directory accounts:

  • ENABLE - uses the userAccountControl attribute to get or set the account status of an object.

    The LDAP connector reads the userAccountControl to determine if an account is enabled or disabled. The connector modifies the value of the userAccountControl attribute if OpenIDM changes the value of ENABLE.

  • ACCOUNT_EXPIRES - gets or sets the accountExpires attribute of an Active Directory object.

  • LOCK_OUT - uses the msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed system attribute to check if a user account has been locked. If OpenIDM sets the LOCK_OUT to FALSE, the LDAP connector sets the Active Directory lockoutTime to 0 to unlock the account. If OpenIDM sets the LOCK_OUT to TRUE, the LDAP connector ignores the change and logs a message.

  • PASSWORD_EXPIRED - uses the msDS-User-Account-Control-Computed system attribute to check if a user password has expired. To force password expiration (to force a user to change their password when they next log in), pwdLastSet must be set to 0. The LDAP connector sets pwdLastSet to 0, if OpenIDM sets PASSWORD_EXPIRED to TRUE. To remove password expiration, pwdLastSet must be set to 0 and then -1. This sets the value of pwdLastSet to the current time. The LDAP connector sets pwdLastSet to -1 if OpenIDM sets PASSWORD_EXPIRED to FALSE.


You must update your provisioner configuration to be able to use these new operational attributes. You can use this sample provisioner configuration as a guide.

Managing Active Directory Users With the LDAP Connector

If you create or update users in Active Directory, and those user entries include passwords, you must use the LDAP connector over SSL. You cannot create or update an Active Directory user password in clear text. To use the connector over SSL, set "ssl" : true in the provisioner configuration and set the path to your truststore in your project's conf/system.properties file. For example, add the following line to that file:

#Set the truststore

The following command adds an Active Directory user. The output shows the operational attributes described in the previous section:

$ curl \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request POST \
--data '{
"dn": "CN=Brian Smith,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
"cn": "Brian Smith",
"sAMAccountName": "bsmith",
"userPrincipalName": "[email protected]", "userAccountControl": "512",
"givenName": "Brian",
"mail": "[email protected]",
"__PASSWORD__": "Passw0rd"
}' \ http://localhost:8080/openidm/system/ad/account?_action=create
  "_id": "<GUID=cb2f8cbc032f474c94c896e69db2feb3>",
  "mobile": null,
  "postalCode": null,
  "st": null,
  "employeeType": null,
  "objectGUID": "<GUID=cb2f8cbc032f474c94c896e69db2feb3>",
  "cn": "Brian Smith",
  "department": null,
  "l": null,
  "description": null,
  "info": null,
  "manager": null,
  "sAMAccountName": "bsmith",
  "sn": null,
  "whenChanged": "20151217131254.0Z",
  "userPrincipalName": "[email protected]",
  "userAccountControl": "512",
  "__ENABLE__": true,
  "displayName": null,
  "givenName": "Brian",
  "middleName": null,
  "facsimileTelephoneNumber": null,
  "lastLogon": "0",
  "countryCode": "0",
  "employeeID": null,
  "co": null,
  "physicalDeliveryOfficeName": null,
  "pwdLastSet": "2015-12-17T13:12:54Z",
  "streetAddress": null,
  "homePhone": null,
  "__PASSWORD_NOTREQD__": false,
  "telephoneNumber": null,
  "dn": "CN=Brian Smith,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com",
  "title": null,
  "mail": "[email protected]",
  "postOfficeBox": null,
  "__SMARTCARD_REQUIRED__": false,
  "uSNChanged": "86144",
  "__PASSWORD_EXPIRED__": false,
  "initials": null,
  "__LOCK_OUT__": false,
  "company": null,
  "employeeNumber": null,
  "accountExpires": "0",
  "c": null,
  "whenCreated": "20151217131254.0Z",
  "uSNCreated": "86142",
  "division": null,
  "groups": [],
  "__DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD__": false,
  "otherHomePhone": []

Note that the command sets the userAccountControl to 512, which is an enabled account. The value of the userAccountControl determines the account policy.

The following list describes the common values for the userAccountControl:


Enabled account.


Disabled account.


Enabled account, password not required.


Disabled account, password not required.


Enabled account, password does not expire.


Disabled account, password does not expire.


Enabled account, password does not expire and is not required.


Disabled account, password does not expire and is not required.


Enabled account, smartcard required.


Disabled account, smartcard required.


Enabled account, smartcard required, password not required.


Disabled account, smartcard required, password not required.


Enabled account, smartcard required, password does not expire.


Enabled account, smartcard required, password does not expire.


Disabled account, smartcard required, password does not expire.


Enabled account, smartcard required, password does not expire and is not required.


Disabled account, smartcard required, password does not expire and is not required.

Managing Active Directory Groups With the LDAP Connector

The following command creates a basic Active Directory group with the LDAP connector:

$ curl \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request POST \
--data '{
"dn": "CN=Employees,DC=example,DC=com"
}' \ http://localhost:8080/openidm/system/ad/group?_action=create
"_id": "<GUID=240da4e959d81547ad8629f5b2b5114d>"

The LDAP connector exposes two special attributes to handle Active Directory group scope and type: GROUP_SCOPE and GROUP_TYPE.

The GROUP_SCOPE attribute is defined in the provisioner configuration as follows:

"__GROUP_SCOPE__" : {
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "__GROUP_SCOPE__", "nativeType" : "string"

The value of the GROUP_SCOPE attribute can be global, domain, or universal. If no group scope is set when the group is created, the scope is global by default. For more information about the different group scopes, see the corresponding Microsoft documentation.

The GROUP_TYPE attribute is defined in the provisioner configuration as follows:

"__GROUP_TYPE__" : {
"type" : "string",
"nativeName" : "__GROUP_TYPE__", "nativeType" : "string"

The value of the GROUP_TYPE attribute can be security or distribution. If no group type is set when the group is created, the type is security by default. For more information about the different group types, see the corresponding Microsoft documentation.

The following example creates a new distribution group, with universal scope:

$ curl \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Username: openidm-admin" \
--header "X-OpenIDM-Password: openidm-admin" \
--request POST \
--data '{
"dn": "CN=NewGroup,DC=example,DC=com",
"__GROUP_SCOPE__": "universal",
"__GROUP_TYPE__": "distribution"
}' \ http://localhost:8080/openidm/system/ad/group?_action=create
  "_id": "<GUID=f189df8a276f91478ad5055b1580cbcb>"

Handling Active Directory Dates

Most dates in Active Directory are represented as the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC). For example:

pwdLastSet: 130698687542272930

OpenIDM generally represents dates as an ISO 8601-compliant string with yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ format. For example:


The generic LDAP connector therefore converts any dates from Active Directory to ISO 8601 format, for fields such as pwdLastSet, accountExpires, lockoutTime, and lastLogon.

OpenICF Interfaces Implemented by the LDAP Connector

The LDAP Connector implements the following OpenICF interfaces.


Provides simple authentication with two parameters, presumed to be a user name and password.


Creates an object and its uid.


Deletes an object, referenced by its uid.

Resolve Username

Resolves an object by its username and returns the uid of the object.


Describes the object types, operations, and options that the connector supports.

Script on Connector

Enables an application to run a script in the context of the connector. Any script that runs on the connector has the following characteristics:

  • The script runs in the same execution environment as the connector and has access to all the classes to which the connector has access.
  • The script has access to a connector variable that is equivalent to an initialized instance of the connector. At a minimum, the script can access the connector configuration.
  • The script has access to any script-arguments passed in by the application.


Searches the target resource for all objects that match the specified object class and filter.


Polls the target resource for synchronization events, that is, native changes to objects on the target resource.


Tests the connector configuration. Testing a configuration checks all elements of the environment that are referred to by the configuration are available. For example, the connector might make a physical connection to a host that is specified in the configuration to verify that it exists and that the credentials that are specified in the configuration are valid.

This operation might need to connect to a resource, and, as such, might take some time. Do not invoke this operation too often, such as before every provisioning operation. The test operation is not intended to check that the connector is alive (that is, that its physical connection to the resource has not timed out).

You can invoke the test operation before a connector configuration has been validated.


Updates (modifies or replaces) objects on a target resource.

LDAP Connector Configuration

Property Description Type Default Encrypted Required
accountSynchronizationFilter An optional LDAP filter for the objects to synchronize. Because the change log is for all objects, this filter updates only objects that match the specified filter. If you specify a filter, an object will be synchronized only if it matches the filter and includes a synchronized object class. String null Sync
passwordAttributeToSynchronize The name of the password attribute to synchronize when performing password synchronization. String null Sync
synchronizePasswords If true, the connector will synchronize passwords. The Password Capture Plugin needs to be installed for password synchronization to work. boolean false Sync
removeLogEntryObjectClassFromFilter If this property is set (the default), the filter used to fetch change log entries does not contain the "changeLogEntry" object class, expecting that there are no entries of other object types in the change log. boolean true Sync
modifiersNamesToFilterOut The list of names (DNs) to filter from the changes. Changes with the attribute "modifiersName" that match entries in this list will be filtered out. The standard value is the administrator name used by this adapter, to prevent loops. Entries should be of the format "cn=Directory Manager". String[] [] Sync
passwordDecryptionKey The key to decrypt passwords with when performing password synchronization. GuardedByteArray null yes Sync
groupSynchronizationFilter An optional LDAP filter for the objects to synchronize. Because the change log is for all objects, this filter updates only objects that match the specified filter. If you specify a filter, an object will be synchronized only if it matches the filter and includes a synchronized object class. String null Sync
credentials Password for the principal. GuardedByteArray null yes No
changeLogBlockSize The number of change log entries to fetch per query. int 100 Sync
baseContextsToSynchronize One or more starting points in the LDAP tree that will be used to determine if a change should be synchronized. The base contexts attribute will be used to synchronize a change if this property is not set. String[] [] Sync
attributesToSynchronize The names of the attributes to synchronize. This ignores updates from the change log if they do not update any of the named attributes. For example, if only "department" is listed, then only changes that affect "department" will be processed. All other updates are ignored. If blank (the default), then all changes are processed. String[] [] Sync
changeNumberAttribute The name of the change number attribute in the change log entry. String changeNumber Sync
passwordDecryptionInitializationVector The initialization vector to decrypt passwords with when performing password synchronization. GuardedByteArray null yes Sync
filterWithOrInsteadOfAnd Normally the filter used to fetch change log entries is an and-based filter retrieving an interval of change entries. If this property is set, the filter will or together the required change numbers instead. boolean false Sync
useTimestampsForSync If true, the connector will use the createTimestamp and modifyTimestamp system attributes to detect changes (Create/Update) on the directory instead of native change detection mechanism (cn=changelog on OpenDJ or Update Sequence Number -USN- on Active Directory for instance). Default value is false. boolean false Sync
objectClassesToSynchronize The object classes to synchronize. The change log is for all objects; this filters updates to just the listed object classes. You should not list the superclasses of an object class unless you intend to synchronize objects with any of the superclass values. For example, if only "inetOrgPerson" objects should be synchronized, but the superclasses of "inetOrgPerson" ("person", "organizationalperson" and "top") should be filtered out, then list only "inetOrgPerson" here. All objects in LDAP are subclassed from "top". For this reason, you should never list "top", otherwise no object would be filtered. String[] ['inetOrgPerson'] Sync
port TCP/IP port number used to communicate with the LDAP server. int 389 No
vlvSortAttribute Specify the sort attribute to use for VLV indexes on the resource. String uid No
passwordAttribute The name of the LDAP attribute that holds the password. When changing a users password, the new password is set to this attribute. String userPassword No
useBlocks Specifies whether to use block-based LDAP controls, like the simple paged results or VLV control. When performing search operations on large numbers of entries, the entries are returned in blocks to reduce the amount of memory used by the operation. boolean false No
maintainPosixGroupMembership When enabled and a user is renamed or deleted, update any POSIX groups to which the user belongs to reflect the new name. Otherwise, the LDAP resource must maintain referential integrity with respect to group membership. boolean false No
failover List all servers that should be used for failover in case the preferred server fails. If the preferred server fails, JNDI will connect to the next available server in the list. List all servers in the form of "ldap:// ldap.example.com:389/", which follows the standard LDAP v3 URLs described in RFC 2255. Only the host and port parts of the URL are relevant in this setting. String[] [] No
ssl Select the check box to connect to the LDAP server using SSL. boolean false No
getGroupMemberId Specifies whether to add an extra _memberId attribute to get the group members UID boolean false No
referralsHandling Defines how to handle LDAP referrals. Possible values can be follow, ignore or throw. String follow No
principal The distinguished name with which to authenticate to the LDAP server. String null No
baseContexts One or more starting points in the LDAP tree that will be used when searching the tree. Searches are performed when discovering users from the LDAP server or when looking for the groups of which a user is a member. String[] [] No
readSchema If true, the connector will read the schema from the server. If false, the connector will provide a default schema based on the object classes in the configuration. This property must be true in order to use extended object classes. boolean true No
authType The authentication mechanism to use: Simple or SASL-GSSAPI. Defaults to "simple". String simple No
accountObjectClasses The default list of object classes that will be used when creating new user objects in the LDAP tree. This can be overridden by specifying the user object classes during the Create operation. String[] ['top','person','organizationalPerson','inetOrgPerson'] No
accountUserNameAttributes Attribute or attributes which holds the account's user name. They will be used when authenticating to find the LDAP entry for the user name to authenticate. String[] ['uid','cn'] No
host The name or IP address of the host where the LDAP server is running. String null No
groupMemberAttribute The name of the group attribute that will be updated with the distinguished name of the user when the user is added to the group. String uniqueMember No
passwordHashAlgorithm Indicates the algorithm that the Identity system should use to hash the password. Currently supported values are SSHA, SHA, SMD5, MD5 and WIN-AD (when AD is the target). A blank value indicates that the system will not hash passwords. This will cause clear text passwords to be stored in LDAP unless the LDAP server performs the hash (as Forgerocks OpenDJ does, for example). String null No
accountSearchFilter An optional LDAP filter to control which accounts are returned from the LDAP resource. If no filter is specified, only accounts that include all specified object classes are returned. String null No
usePagedResultControl When enabled, the LDAP Paged Results control is preferred over the VLV control when retrieving entries. boolean false No
blockSize The maximum number of entries that can be in a block when retrieving entries in blocks. int 100 No
startTLS Specifies whether to use the startTLS operation to initiate a TLS/SSL session. boolean false No
groupObjectClasses The default list of object classes that will be used when creating new group objects in the LDAP tree. This can be overridden by specifying the group object classes during the Create operation. String[] ['top', 'groupOfUniqueName'] No
uidAttribute The name of the LDAP attribute that is mapped to the OpenICF UID attribute. String entryUUID No
groupSearchFilter An optional LDAP filter to control which groups are returned from the LDAP resource. If no filter is specified, only groups that include all specified object classes are returned. String null No
maintainLdapGroupMembership When enabled and a user is renamed or deleted, update any LDAP groups to which the user belongs to reflect the new name. Otherwise, the LDAP resource must maintain referential integrity with respect to group membership. boolean false No
respectResourcePasswordPolicyChangeAfterReset When this resource is specified in a Login Module (i.e., this resource is a pass-through authentication target) and the resource's password policy is configured for change-after-reset, a user whose resource account password has been administratively reset will be required to change that password after successfully authenticating. boolean false No