Captcha module - OpenIdentityPlatform/OpenAM GitHub Wiki
ReCaptcha Authentication Module
ReCaptcha authentication module allows use Google ReCaptcha to make sure that authenticating user is a real person and not a Robot.
This module included in OpenAM distribution since 14.1.1 version
To use this module, at first you should receive recevie ReCaptcha's key and secret key from Google.
Setup Authentication Module Gobally
To configure the reCaptcha module globally in the AM console, navigate to Configuration > Authentication, and then, click ReCaptcha.
Module settings are shown on the picture below:
Setup Authentication Chain
In this picture, at first, user solves recaptcha, and then recaptcha module allows him to authenticate in DataStore authentication module.
As there is no Pricipal at authentication chain start, if user solves ReCaptcha, it returns ignore and skips user to DataStore authentication module.
If users does not solve ReCaptcha, authentication starts over.
ssoadm service name: sunAMAuthReCaptchaService
Specifies the key, obtained from Google in ReCaptcha administartion console
ssoadm attribute: org.openidentityplatform.openam.authentication.modules.recaptcha.ReCaptcha.key
Secret Key
Specifies the secret key, obtained from Google in ReCaptcha administartion console
ssoadm attribute: org.openidentityplatform.openam.authentication.modules.recaptcha.ReCaptcha.secret
ReCaptcha JavaScript URL
Google's ReCaptcha JavaScript library URL
ssoadm attribute: org.openidentityplatform.openam.authentication.modules.recaptcha.ReCaptcha.jsUrl
ReCaptcha Verify URL
Google's ReCaptcha verification endpoint
ssoadm attribute: org.openidentityplatform.openam.authentication.modules.recaptcha.ReCaptcha.verifyUrl
ReCaptcha Verify URL connect timeout
Google's ReCaptcha verification endpoint connect timeout (default 1500 ms)
ssoadm attribute: org.openidentityplatform.openam.authentication.modules.recaptcha.ReCaptcha.connect.timeout
ReCaptcha Verify URL read timeout
Google's ReCaptcha verification endpoint read timeout (default 2500 ms)
ssoadm attribute: