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Produce RDF file for Fuseki GeoSPARQL server.

java -classpath <your-jdbc-driver.jar> -jar OHDMConverter.jar -r rendering_parameter -f <filename.ttl>

This command will produce a RDF turtle file with your chosen filename. This file can than be used in the Fuseki GeoSPARQL server.

Setting up the Fuseki GeoSPARQL Server with your RDF turtle file

  1. A working jar file with Geosparql implementation must be checked out from the jena github repository.
    → jena-fuseki2/jena-fuseki-geosparql

    The documentation can be found at the following links.

  2. run java -jar <jena-fuseki-geosparql-VER.jar> -rf <pathtofile/filename.ttl>

This will start your server with the default settings, you can add more arguments for further customization. Values you might want to change are:

  • port(default: 3030),
  • dataset name(default: ds) and
  • loopback only(default true).

For that refer to the official Fuseki GeoSPARQL documentation https://jena.apache.org/documentation/geosparql/geosparql-fuseki

To update your dataset you will have to restart the server with a new RDF turtle file following step 2.

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