O2I - OpenHistoricalDataMap/OHDMConverter GitHub Wiki

Import OSM files to intermediate database

O2I figure

java -classpath <your-jdbc-driver.jar> -jar OHDMConverter.jar -o yourFile.osm -i intermediate_parameter

This is the first step to integrate and process data with OHDM. This process is performed by the OHDMConverter using parameters -o und -i.

The process is straightforward:

  1. An XML-SAX parser parses the osm file
  2. A node table row is created for each node entry in osm file.
  3. A way table row is created for each way entry in osm file. Additional waynode rows are added accordingly.
  4. A relation table entry is created for each relation entry in osm file. Additional relationmember rows are added accordingly.

This first step is mostly a conversion from XML to SQL tables. The only calculation is required to find the classid from OHDM classification table based on the described map features in the osm entry tags.

A little movie shows the process with example data.