Things to remember - OpenGreekAndLatin/First1KGreek GitHub Wiki
Hallo everybody and thank you so much for helping out with this repository!
Here is a little list of things to remember while working on a file, which will NOT show up when running the hook test since they don't affect CTS-compliance:
Check that
in the header only contains the MAIN language of the text. We are ignoring footnotes, so except for translations and maybe some commentaries, all files should have ONE main language, either<language ident="grc">Greek</language>
or<language ident="lat">Latin</language>
. -
Check or add a link to a scan of this text in the header between the closing tags
, e.g.:
<ref target="">Google Books</ref>
Should the textparts you want to use for segmentation go across paragraphs
(less than 10% or rather 5%), try using<seg>
instead of<div>
, to keep as much of the original layout as possible. -
If you find problematic files, see if there is an issue which is labeled as "general problem" already attributed to those kind of files, e.g. "How to handle commentaries/translations/drama" in issues #201, #210 and #211.
In case of differently named textparts at one level of one file, e.g.: in one work the 3-level-structure is EITHER book, poem, line OR book, chapter, section, we handled it in CSEL like in stoa0149b.stoa008.opp-lat1:
<refsDecl n="CTS">
<cRefPattern n="section|line" matchPattern="(.+).(.+).(.+)" replacementPattern="#xpath(/tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div[@type='edition']/tei:div[@n='$1']/tei:div[@n='$2']/*[self::tei:div or self::tei:l][@n='$3'])"/>
<cRefPattern n="chapter|poem" matchPattern="(.+).(.+)" replacementPattern="#xpath(/tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div[@type='edition']/tei:div[@n='$1']/tei:div[@n='$2'])"/>
<cRefPattern n="book" matchPattern="(.+)" replacementPattern="#xpath(/tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div[@type='edition']/tei:div[@n='$1'])"/>
- June 2017 we decided to mark up missing figures linking to a PDF scan like this:
<figure><graphic url=""/></figure>
For missing tables add:<figure rend="table"><graphic url=""/></figure>