Things to remember - OpenGreekAndLatin/First1KGreek GitHub Wiki


Hallo everybody and thank you so much for helping out with this repository!

Here is a little list of things to remember while working on a file, which will NOT show up when running the hook test since they don't affect CTS-compliance:

  • Check that <langUsage> in the header only contains the MAIN language of the text. We are ignoring footnotes, so except for translations and maybe some commentaries, all files should have ONE main language, either <language ident="grc">Greek</language> or <language ident="lat">Latin</language>.

  • Check or add a link to a scan of this text in the header between the closing tags </monogr> and </biblStruct>, e.g.:

  <ref target="">Google Books</ref>
  • Should the textparts you want to use for segmentation go across paragraphs <p> (less than 10% or rather 5%), try using <seg> instead of <div>, to keep as much of the original layout as possible.

  • If you find problematic files, see if there is an issue which is labeled as "general problem" already attributed to those kind of files, e.g. "How to handle commentaries/translations/drama" in issues #201, #210 and #211.

  • In case of differently named textparts at one level of one file, e.g.: in one work the 3-level-structure is EITHER book, poem, line OR book, chapter, section, we handled it in CSEL like in stoa0149b.stoa008.opp-lat1:

<refsDecl n="CTS">
        <cRefPattern n="section|line" matchPattern="(.+).(.+).(.+)" replacementPattern="#xpath(/tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div[@type='edition']/tei:div[@n='$1']/tei:div[@n='$2']/*[self::tei:div or self::tei:l][@n='$3'])"/>
        <cRefPattern n="chapter|poem" matchPattern="(.+).(.+)" replacementPattern="#xpath(/tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div[@type='edition']/tei:div[@n='$1']/tei:div[@n='$2'])"/>
        <cRefPattern n="book" matchPattern="(.+)" replacementPattern="#xpath(/tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div[@type='edition']/tei:div[@n='$1'])"/>
  • June 2017 we decided to mark up missing figures linking to a PDF scan like this: <figure><graphic url=""/></figure> For missing tables add: <figure rend="table"><graphic url=""/></figure>
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