Suggested Header Template - OpenGreekAndLatin/First1KGreek GitHub Wiki

More detailed explanations below.

Mandatory information:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="" schematypens=""?>
<TEI xmlns="">

<teiHeader xml:lang="eng">

                <title></title> <!--xml:lang attribute as needed; use print page title-->
                <author></author> <!--xml:lang attribute as needed; canonical-->
                <editor></editor> <!--use role attribute for translator; expand initials-->
                <sponsor></sponsor> <!--preferred but not required; use when funding is informal-->
                <funder></funder> <!--not required-->

                <respStmt> <!--(example for OGL work: may be modified as needed)-->
                    <resp>Published original versions of the electronic texts</resp>
                    <orgName ref="">Open Greek and Latin</orgName>
                    <persName role="principal">Gregory Crane</persName>
                    <persName role="principal">Leonard Muellner</persName>
                    <persName role="principal">Bruce Robertson</persName>
                    <respStmt> repeat as necessary
                        <resp></resp> <!--limited vocabulary-->

                <idno type="filename"></idno> <!--use xml file name-->
                <licence target="">Available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</licence>

                        <title></title> <!--print edition title (if applicable); xml:lang attribute as needed-->
                        <author></author> <!--xml:lang attribute as needed; canonical-->
                        <editor></editor> <!--role="translator" attribute as needed; expand initials-->
                        <date></date> <!--use type="printing" attribute post-1922-->
                        <biblScope unit="volume"></biblScope> <!--as needed-->
                          <series> <!--as needed-->
                 <ref target="https://..."></ref> <!--Internet Archive preferred-->

<editorialDecl> <!--note: the editorial declaration should be used whenever possible to describe markup practices; these are some sample elements and yours may vary; free text in a <p> tag also allowed-->
<quotation marks="none"/> 
  <p></p> <!--(example: Notes are not included. Language modernized.)-->
<p></p>  <!--(example: <correction method="silent" status="medium"><p>Perseus OCR in house AbbyyFR; single pass proofreading</p></correction>)-->

 <p>The following text is encoded in accordance with EpiDoc standards and with the CTS/CITE Architecture</p>
<refsDecl n="CTS">
   <cRefPattern matchPattern="(\w+)" n="chapter" replacementPattern="#xpath(/tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div/tei:div[@n='$1'])">
     <p>This pointer pattern extracts chapter.</p>

            <langUsage> <!--modify as needed; primary language first; only one required-->
                <language ident="eng">English</language>
                <language ident="grc">Greek</language>

            <change when="" who=""></change> <!--date in format YYYY-MM-DD; who is name or handle in desired format; change should be descriptive but succinct-->

Additional information

Canonical names

These can be found by consulting the Perseus Catalog. If not found via search, please open an issue.

Credit and <resp> roles

In the <respStmt>, the <resp> should employ regularized language when possible.

Reference target

This should be page level whenever possible. Such as <ref target="">Internet Archive</ref>

References Declaration

This will be particular to each file. It is suggested that a work with a similar structure form the basis for others.

Here is a sample three level refsDecl:

<refsDecl n="CTS">
<cRefPattern n="section" matchPattern="(\w+).(\w+).(\w+)" replacementPattern="#xpath(/tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div/tei:div[@n='']/tei:div[@n='']/tei:div[@n=''])">
<p>This pointer pattern extracts book and chapter and section.</p>
<cRefPattern n="chapter" matchPattern="(\w+).(\w+)" replacementPattern="#xpath(/tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div/tei:div[@n='']/tei:div[@n=''])">
<p>This pointer pattern extracts book and chapter.</p>
<cRefPattern n="book" matchPattern="(\w+)" replacementPattern="#xpath(/tei:TEI/tei:text/tei:body/tei:div/tei:div[@n=''])">
<p>This pointer pattern extracts book.</p>

The n attribute is mandatory and should employ lower case. refsDecls are ordered from smallest container to largest. section | chapter | book in this example.

More details: See also suggested template for new OGL headers.

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