Lace Handoff Checklist - OpenGreekAndLatin/First1KGreek GitHub Wiki
- Add EpiDoc DTD
- fix header: regularize terms and presentation (verify roles in
; remove urn.cts.greekLit. from file name, etc.); always check file name (cut and paste means this is a common error) and check the book scan link - add or modify refsDecl
- fix tags, especially first
; remove tei: namespace - various special characters — remove hyphenation and insert specialized tags such as q, add, del, sic, gap; check foreign languages; digits in text (which can indicate missed section breaks); Roman letters in Greek text
- merge split words broken by
tags: problems lurk around page breaks - check for period at end of section or other oddities; container breaks should be hard: review those that aren't
- line breaks and special indentation such as around block quotes, verse sections, etc.; readable formatting when practical
- special issues found on Trello card? notations required in header or notes?
- Update pick list and Trello card when complete
- request the creation of metadata files or create them (if needed)
- create a Perseus catalog pending issue for new editions