Header atttributions - OpenGreekAndLatin/First1KGreek GitHub Wiki
The Scaife Reader attributions display is dependent upon particular order and vocabulary in the file headers. If the order and vocabulary are not correct, it will change how the attributions appear.
So every header should include this immediately following <funder>
<resp>Published original versions of the electronic texts</resp>
<orgName ref="https://www.opengreekandlatin.org">Open Greek and Latin</orgName>
<persName role="principal">Gregory Crane</persName>
<persName role="principal">Leonard Muellner</persName>
<persName role="principal">Bruce Robertson</persName>
Following this attribution should appear as separate, individual entries:
(if different than Open Greek and Latin)
*Limited vocabulary
Should only include preapproved vocabulary.
Student contributions are Digital conversion and editing
Other labels in practice include Digital editor, Digital Editor and recension