Home - OpenGreekAndLatin/First1KGreek GitHub Wiki

General information about this repository including how to report errors, submit corrections, and contact the editors.

About First1KGreek

The First1KGreek repository is a subset of materials produced by Open Greek and Latin. The goal of this project is to collect at least one edition of every Greek work composed between Homer and 250CE with a focus on texts that do not already exist in the Perseus Digital Library. This is not precisely dated, and later materials have been added based on special requests or circumstances.

All materials in the data folder of this collection are available in the Scaife Viewer.

How do I find the text I'm looking for?

Note the work CTS URN as indicated in the reader sidebar (or browser header) while viewing a text in the Scaife Viewer. All texts will be found in the data directory of this repository sorted by workgroup.

For instance, one edition of the Acta Johannis is urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0317.tlg001.1st1K-grc1, and this will be found under /data/tlg0317/tlg001

Some works may be cross referenced via the Perseus Catalog. Please open an issue if you are having trouble locating any data.

How do I submit a correction, ask a question, or note a problem?

As we are a decentralized project with many sets of contributors, we prefer that you open an issue. If you wish to submit corrections directly, you may open a pull request. It is not always possible for project members to respond immediately. If you find that your issue has been unanswered, please send an email follow up.

Open an issue

Click the "Issues" link on the top bar of the repository menu.

Once on the Issues page, you may search existing issues to see if your error has been reported or the text in question has been previously referenced. You should try searching on the work identifier or a keyword.

If you are unable to find an existing issue pertaining to your error, you may open a New Issue via the green button on the upper right. You will need to create an account in GitHub to proceed.

As the Title of your issue please include the text identifier in parentheses and a short description, e.g.:

(tlg0317.tlg001.1st1K-grc1) typo

In the body of the issue (where it reads Leave a comment), When reporting an error, please include:

  • A link to the section of the work where the error may be found (if applicable). If the error persists throughout a work, a link to the start of the work is fine. Be as precise as possible. A word-level link, for instance, is ideal if the error is found in a single word.
  • A brief description of the error. ("X is misspelled"; "Y should be X"; "Z is accented incorrectly").
  • If you found a source edition online (such as a pdf of the original print edition), feel free to link to this in support of your report.

Submit a pull request

It is our goal to give feedback to contributors in a timely way and assist anyone taking the time to contribute to this work.

This is an active repository and these materials are published in the Scaife Viewer. Therefore, a compliance and validation testing routine is applied to all new submissions and corrections to ensure that the output will be ready for publication. When submitted corrections are extensive, we may not be able to complete the pull request until we have done a thorough review. This will ensure uninterrupted access to the materials in the Scaife Viewer.

In most cases, we prefer one text per pull request as this minimizes the chance of conflicts and permits easier file review. It also allows for an initial conversation on proposed changes and alerts us to any areas of concern. Since the project has evolved over time, many of the encoding practices have changed and some continue to be updated.

There are times when a one file per pull request workflow is impractical. A problem that is found throughout the repository, such as an invalid character encoding, does not require a single file pull requests. If, however, there are several types of these problems, it might be best to address these in phases, so that if a merge conflict or other inconsistency is encountered, we can easily roll back these changes in phases. We welcome conversation on this process.

A pull request that pertains to the entire repository or a variety of unrelated files should be named (for example):

(global) invalid combined Greek Unicode character

In addition, work on a similar set of files, such as those of one author, may also warrant a single pull request. Be advised that we do recommend initiating a discussion prior to undertaking any large pull request as to avoid conflict. Issue aming should included the set, such as:

(tlg0012) various errors in Homer

Do you have additional guidelines or a means of making a contribution?

As we are both ingesting new materials and reviewing older materials, we are endeavoring to establish some baseline best practices for works in this repository. At a minimum, works must be EpiDoc XML and CTS (canonical text services) compliant. A text similar in structure to any proposed submission should be identified and used as the basis for new work in consultation with the project editors. As we update guidelines, they will be added to the Wiki.