Replication - OpenGovLD/specs GitHub Wiki
- replicate only required data segments
- number of requests
- amount of processing on server
- no special solutions
- JSON serialisation should be possible
Open Questions
- Can SPARQL be used ?
- (How) Can Triple Pattern Fragments (TPF) be used?
Literature (not sorted or ordered)
RDF Patch
LD Patch
- Delta: an ontology for the distribution of
differences between RDF graphs, Tim Berners-Lee and Dan Connolly
- Delta - Synchronizing RDF Datasets
- LDP PATCH Proposals brief descriptions of eight proposals
- Der OParl Update-Mechanismus: schnelles Aktualisieren eines lokalen Bestandes, by Ernesto Ruge
- Replication and Versioning of Partial RDF Graphs, by Bernhard Schandl
- Context-driven RDF Data Replication on Mobile Devices, by Stefan Zander and Bernhard Schandl
- Replication for Linked Data, by Laurens Rietveld
- JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Patch, RFC 6902
- PATCH Method for HTTP, RFC 5789
- Continuous Client-side Query Evaluation over Dynamic Linked Data, Ruben Taelman, Ruben Verborgh, Pieter Colpaert, Erik Mannens, and Rik Van de Walle