Election Data - OpenGovLD/specs GitHub Wiki
This page is about specifications. Input is welcome!
- Define Scope and Use Cases
- International requirements should have priority
- Both JSON and Linked Data: JSON-LD to unite Open Data and Semantic Web communities
- Keep specification of data model separate from specification of synchronisation and other features
- Do not reinvent wheels - (re)use well-designed specifications and data models
The same principles should apply to specifications as those listed on: https://github.com/OpenGovLD/specs/wiki
- European Parliament
- National parliaments
- Municipalities
- People in charge of elections
- Historical archives
- Election software creators
- Open Data communities
- Linked Data community
Warum wir über Wahldaten reden müssen, Ulrike Thalheim und Boris Hekele, 19.01.18 https://codefor.de/blog/warum-wir-ueber-wahldaten-reden-muessen.html
Feedback on Election Vocabulary, Christopher Gutteridge, February 16, 2016 https://blog.soton.ac.uk/webteam/2016/02/16/feedback-on-election-vocabulary/
Existing vocabularies and specifications
https://datastandards.directory/Elections - a list of currently seven specifications, some of them are relevant:
Election Results, Local Government Association (LGA)
NIST Election Results Common Data Format
Election Data Format, Open Data Institute
Results Data Spec Version 2, OpenElections
These classes were specified to satisfy different use cases, but they likely are a good start:
- http://www.popoloproject.com/specs/vote.html
- http://www.popoloproject.com/specs/vote-event.html
- http://www.popoloproject.com/specs/count.html
Core Vocabularies
These are maintained by the ISA Programme of the European Commission:
- https://github.com/OKFNat/offenewahlen_wikidata especially: https://github.com/OKFNat/offenewahlen_wikidata/issues/14
- https://github.com/OKFNat/offenewahlen_api/blob/master/DATA.md
- https://github.com/OKFNat/offenewahlen-at/wiki
- https://github.com/OKFNat/offenewahlen_api-specification
- Workshop "Offene Wahldaten" bei der kdvz (Meeting in Erftstadt): https://doodle.com/poll/c6ab3wgg5sheq4aq