Electricity price and usage costs - OpenEPaperLink/Home_Assistant_Integration GitHub Wiki

This shows price, cost and electricity usage:



What you need:

  • Nordpool (or other source of electricity prices)
  • A sensor that contains electricity usage so far today, read from the meter (e.g HAN-port)
  • A sensor that contains electricity costs so far today
  • A sensor that contains electricity usage so far this month


  - platform: time_pattern
    minutes: "1"
  - condition: time
    after: "06:00:00"
    before: "23:00:00"
  - service: open_epaper_link.drawcustom
      entity_id: open_epaper_link.00000123456789
      background: white
      dry-run: false
      ttl: 60
      rotate: 0
        - type: line
          fill: red
          width: 3
          x_start: 148
          y_start: 0
          x_end: 148
          y_end: 110
        - type: line
          fill: red
          width: 2
          x_start: 0
          y_start: 109
          x_end: 296
          y_end: 109
        - type: text
          value: "So far today:"
          font: ppb.ttf
          x: 74
          "y": 20
          size: 20
          color: black
          anchor: mm
        - type: text
          value: "{{ states('sensor.energy_today_cost') | round(0) }} kr"
          font: ppb.ttf
          x: 74
          "y": 58
          size: 38
          color: >-
            {{'black' if states('sensor.energy_today_cost') | round(0) | int <=
            50 else 'red' }}
          anchor: mm
        - type: text
          value: "{{ states('sensor.energy_today_kwh') | round(0) }} kWh"
          font: ppb.ttf
          x: 74
          "y": 90
          size: 20
          color: >-
            {{'black' if states('sensor.energy_today_kwh') | round(0) | int <=
            100 else 'red' }}
          anchor: mm
        - type: text
          value: "{{ states('sensor.nordpool') | round(0) }}"
          font: ppb.ttf
          x: 224
          "y": 33
          size: 50
          color: >-
            {{'black' if state_attr('sensor.nordpool', 'low_price') == true else
            'red' }}
          anchor: mm
        - type: text
          value: øre/kWh
          font: ppb.ttf
          x: 225
          "y": 65
          size: 18
          color: black
          anchor: mm
        - type: icon
          value: arrow-down
          x: 150
          "y": 83
          size: 20
          color: black
        - type: text
          value: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nordpool', 'min') | round(0) }}"
          font: ppb.ttf
          x: 170
          "y": 93
          size: 22
          color: >-
            {{'black' if state_attr('sensor.nordpool', 'min') | int <= 150 else
            'red' }}
          anchor: lm
        - type: text
          value: "{{ state_attr('sensor.nordpool', 'max') | round(0) }}"
          font: ppb.ttf
          x: 277
          "y": 93
          size: 22
          color: >-
            {{'black' if state_attr('sensor.nordpool', 'max') | int <= 150 else
            'red' }}
          anchor: rm
        - type: icon
          value: arrow-up
          x: 277
          "y": 83
          size: 20
          color: black
        - type: text
          value: >-
            Est. so far this month: {{ states('sensor.energy_month_cost') |
            round(0) }} kr
          font: ppb.ttf
          x: 3
          "y": 120
          size: 12
          color: black
          anchor: lm
        - type: text
          value: "At: {{ now() | as_timestamp() | timestamp_custom('%H:%M')}}"
          font: ppb.ttf
          x: 235
          "y": 120
          size: 12
          color: black
          anchor: lm
mode: single


  • All numbers are rounded to not show decimals. If you want to show decimals, please change the "round(0)" to your liking.
  • The time format for last update is "HH:MM". To change this, replace timestamp_custom('%H:%M') with different format
  • Please do a search&replace for all occurences of the default sensors with your own sensors
  • Take a look at the "color"-settings of the numbers and update the value you consider to be "high", which is uses to show the numbers in red color