Comprehensive guide to using Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network in data projects - OpenDataforWeb3/Resources GitHub Wiki

Setting up your development environment:

Installing the necessary software and dependencies (e.g. Node.js, Docker):

Before setting up a local Ocean Protocol test network, it is necessary to install the necessary software and dependencies, including Node.js and Docker.

Installing Node.js:

  1. On Windows: Download the installer from the official Node.js website ( and run it. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  2. On Mac: You can use a package manager like Homebrew to install Node.js. Open a terminal and run the command "brew install node".
  3. On Linux: The recommended way of installing Node.js on Linux is through a package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you can use the command "sudo apt-get install nodejs" to install it.

Installing Docker:

  1. On Windows: Download the installer from the official Docker website ( and run it. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  2. On Mac: Download the installer from the official Docker website ( and run it. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.
  3. On Linux: The recommended way of installing Docker on Linux is through a package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you can use the command "sudo apt-get install docker" to install it.

Compatible versions:

It is important to use compatible versions of Node.js and Docker with Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network. The specific version compatibility can be found in the documentation of the specific version of Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network that you are using. It's recommended to use the latest stable version of Node.js and Docker for best compatibility.

Setting up a local Ocean Protocol test network:

Setting up a local Ocean Protocol test network allows you to test your data assets and smart contracts on a local environment before deploying them to the main network.

Using the Ocean Protocol CLI:

  • First, you need to have the Ocean Protocol CLI installed. You can install it by running the command "npm install -g ocean-cli" in the terminal.
  • Once the CLI is installed, you can create a local test network by running the command "ocean-cli network create" in the terminal. This command will create a new directory with a configuration file that you can use to connect to the test network.
  • To start the test network, navigate to the directory where the configuration file is located and run the command "ocean-cli network start".
  • To stop the network, you can run the command "ocean-cli network stop"
  • To check the status of the network, you can run the command "ocean-cli network status".

Using the Ocean.js library:

  • First, you need to have the Ocean.js library installed in your project. You can install it by running the command "npm install @oceanprotocol/ocean.js" in the terminal.
  • Once the library is installed, you can connect to the test network by instantiating the Ocean.js library and passing in the configuration file as a parameter.

const Ocean = require("@oceanprotocol/ocean.js");

const ocean = new Ocean.getInstance({

network: "localhost",

config: require("./config.json")


  • After connecting to the test network, you can use the library's functions to interact with the network and perform actions such as querying data and creating assets.

It's important to note that the test tokens that you mint will only be usable on the local test network, and the data that you upload will only be accessible on the local test network. To interact with the main network, you will need to connect to it using the appropriate configuration.

Creating a wallet and obtaining test tokens:

Creating a wallet and obtaining test tokens is an important step before being able to interact with the Ocean Protocol network and perform actions such as buying and selling data assets.

Creating a wallet:

  1. Using the Ocean Protocol CLI:
  • To create a wallet using the Ocean Protocol CLI, you can run the command "ocean-cli wallet create" in the terminal. This command will generate a new wallet and print the address and private key of the wallet to the console.
  • You can also import an existing wallet by running the command "ocean-cli wallet import" and providing the private key of the wallet.
  1. Using the Ocean.js library:
  • To create a wallet using the Ocean.js library, you can use the "createWallet()" function.

const wallet = await ocean.accounts.create();


  • You can also import an existing wallet by using the "importAccount()" function and providing the private key of the wallet.

const wallet = await ocean.accounts.importAccount(privateKey);


Obtaining test tokens:

  1. Using the Ocean Protocol CLI:
  • To obtain test tokens for use on the test network, you can run the command "ocean-cli tokens mint" in the terminal. This command will mint a specified amount of test tokens and transfer them to the wallet address.
  • For example, to mint 1000 test tokens, you can run the command "ocean-cli tokens mint --amount 1000 --address <wallet_address>"
  1. Using the Ocean.js library:
  • To obtain test tokens for use on the test network, you can use the "mintTokens()" function.

const mintedTokens = await, 1000);


  • Where 1000 is the amount of test tokens you want to mint and wallet.address is the address of the wallet you want to mint the tokens to.

It's important to note that the test tokens that you mint will only be usable on the local test network and cannot be used on the main network.

Once you have created a wallet and obtained test tokens, you can use them to perform actions such as buying and selling data assets on the Ocean Protocol network

Configuring the Pocket Network for use with Ocean Protocol:

The Pocket Network is a decentralized infrastructure for data access that enables Ocean Protocol to access data from different sources and perform actions such as querying, buying and selling data.

Setting up a local Pocket Network node:

  • To set up a local Pocket Network node, you need to follow the instructions on the Pocket Network website (
  • You will need to install the Pocket CLI, create a Pocket Network node, and configure it to connect to the test network.
  • Once you have set up a local Pocket Network node, you will need to configure Ocean Protocol to use it for data access.

Configuring Ocean Protocol to use the Pocket Network:

  • To configure Ocean Protocol to use the Pocket Network for data access, you need to set the appropriate variables in the Ocean Protocol configuration file.
  • You will need to set the network variable to the endpoint of your Pocket Network node and set the pokt variable to true.


"network": "http://localhost:8080",

"pokt": true


  • You will also need to configure the Ocean.js library to use the Pocket Network for data access by passing in the appropriate configuration when instantiating the library.

const Ocean = require("@oceanprotocol/ocean.js");

const ocean = new Ocean.getInstance({

network: "http://localhost:8080",

pokt: true


  • Once you have configured Ocean Protocol to use the Pocket Network, you can perform actions such as querying data and buying data assets using the Pocket Network.

It's important to note that the Pocket Network is a decentralized infrastructure that allows for data access, so it can access data from different sources, it does not store data by itself. Therefore, you will need to make sure that you have data assets uploaded to the test network in order to test the data access using the Pocket Network.

Also, it's important to note that the Pocket Network is still in beta version and the API may change in the future. So, it's good to keep an eye on the updates of the Pocket Network and adjust the configuration accordingly.

Creating and publishing data assets:

Defining the data model and schema for your data assets:

Defining the data model and schema for your data assets is an important step in creating and publishing data assets on the Ocean Protocol network.

Creating a JSON Schema:

  • JSON Schema is a specification for defining the structure and rules of a JSON document. It is used to validate the data and ensure that it is in the correct format.
  • To create a JSON Schema for your data assets, you will need to create a JSON file that defines the structure and rules of the data.
  • The schema should include information about the data types, properties, and constraints of the data.
  • You can use a JSON Schema generator tool to generate the schema based on your data.

Best Practices:

  • Keep the data model and schema simple: A simple data model and schema will be easier to understand and use.
  • Make sure the data is easy to understand and use: The data should be easy to read and understand by humans.
  • Make sure the schema is strict enough to ensure that the data is valid: The schema should be strict enough to ensure that the data is valid, but not too strict that it becomes difficult to use the data.
  • Use standard data types and properties: Use standard data types and properties as much as possible.
  • Keep the schema modular: You can split the schema into smaller modules to make it more manageable.

It's important to note that JSON Schema is a widely used standard, but there are other alternatives such as Protocol Buffer. You can choose the one that fits your needs.

Once you have defined the data model and schema for your data assets, you can use them to validate the data and ensure that it is in the correct format before publishing it on the Ocean Protocol network.

Encrypting and packaging the data:

Encrypting and packaging the data is an important step in creating and publishing data assets on the Ocean Protocol network. The data must be encrypted to ensure that it is secure and can only be accessed by authorized users.

Encrypting the data:

  • To encrypt the data, you can use a library such as AES-JS. AES-JS is a library that provides AES encryption for JavaScript.
  • AES is a symmetric encryption method, which means that the same key is used for both encryption and decryption.
  • To encrypt the data using AES-JS, you will need to generate a key and an initialization vector (IV), and then use these to encrypt the data.

const AES = require("aes-js");

const key = AES.utils.hex.toBytes("6368616e676520746869732070617373");

const iv = AES.utils.hex.toBytes("6368616e676520746869732070617373");

const text = "Hello Ocean";

const textBytes = AES.utils.utf8.toBytes(text);

const aesCtr = new AES.ModeOfOperation.ctr(key, new AES.Counter(iv));

const encryptedBytes = aesCtr.encrypt(textBytes);

const encryptedHex = AES.utils.hex.fromBytes(encryptedBytes);


Packaging the data:

  • Once the data is encrypted, it needs to be packaged into a format such as JSON or CSV.
  • The data can be packaged into a JSON file that contains the encrypted data, the schema, and the metadata.
  • This file can be used to register the data asset on the Ocean Protocol network.

Encryption methods:

  • Symmetric encryption methods such as AES are fast and efficient but the same key is used for both encryption and decryption, so the key must be kept secret.
  • Asymmetric encryption methods such as RSA use a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption.
  • RSA is more secure, but it is also slower and requires more computational power.

It is important to consider the type of data you are encrypting and the level of security required when choosing an encryption method. In general, symmetric encryption methods are suitable for encrypting large amounts of data, while asymmetric encryption methods are better for encrypting small amounts of data such as keys and certificates.

It's also important to note that when you're encrypting data, you also need to consider the key management, you should use a secure and reliable key management system to ensure that the key is kept safe and can be easily accessed by authorized users.

Encryption and packaging the data assets is a crucial step in the process of creating and publishing data assets on the Ocean Protocol network, it ensures that the data is secure and can only be accessed by authorized users.

Creating metadata and registering the data assets on the Ocean Protocol network:

Creating metadata and registering the data assets on the Ocean Protocol network is an important step in creating and publishing data assets.

Creating metadata:

  • Metadata is a set of information that describes the data asset, such as its name, description, and pricing.
  • To create metadata for your data assets, you can create a JSON file that contains the information about the data asset.
  • The metadata should include information such as the name, description, and pricing of the data asset.
  • The metadata can also include information about the access controls and the schema of the data asset.

const metadata = { name: "Ocean Data", description: "Ocean data for research", pricing: { price: 0.1, currency: "OCEAN" }, accessControl: { rules: [ { address: "0x1234567890", role: "consumer" } ] }, schema: { $schema: "", type: "object", properties: { temperature: { type: "number" }, location: { type: "string" } }, required: ["temperature", "location"] } };

Registering the data assets:

  • To register the data assets on the Ocean Protocol network, you can use the Ocean.js library's "registerAsset()" function.
  • The "registerAsset()" function takes in the metadata and data files as parameters.
  • The data files should be encrypted and packaged in a format such as JSON or CSV before passing it to the "registerAsset()" function.

const Ocean = require("@oceanprotocol/ocean.js").Ocean; const ocean = new Ocean();

const data = { temperature: 23, location: "Berlin" };

const dataFile = { data: data, path: "data.json" };

ocean.assets .register(metadata, [dataFile]) .then((response) => { console.log(response); }) .catch((error) => { console.log(error); });

In this example, the metadata, data and the data file path are passed as parameters to the "registerAsset()" function, this function will register the data asset on the Ocean Protocol network.

It is important to note that the data must be encrypted and packaged in a format such as JSON or CSV before it can be registered on the Ocean Protocol network, this ensures the security of the data and it can only be accessed by authorized users.

Setting access controls and pricing for data assets:

Setting access controls and pricing for data assets is an important step in creating and publishing data assets on the Ocean Protocol network.

Setting access controls:

  • Access controls are used to control who has access to the data asset and what they can do with it.
  • The Ocean.js library allows you to set access controls by including an "accessControl" object in the metadata file.
  • The "accessControl" object should include "rules" which are an array of objects that specify the address of the user and their role.

const metadata = { name: "Ocean Data", description: "Ocean data for research", pricing: { price: 0.1, currency: "OCEAN" }, accessControl: { rules: [ { address: "0x1234567890", role: "consumer" }, { address: "0x0987654321", role: "provider" } ] }, ... };

In this example, the "accessControl" object includes "rules" array with two objects, the first object specifies that the address "0x1234567890" has a "consumer" role and the second object specifies that the address "0x0987654321" has a "provider" role.

Setting pricing:

  • Pricing is used to determine how much a user needs to pay to access the data asset.
  • The Ocean.js library allows you to set pricing by including a "pricing" object in the metadata file.
  • The "pricing" object should include the "price" and "currency" of the data asset.

const metadata = { name: "Ocean Data", description: "Ocean data for research", pricing: { price: 0.1, currency: "OCEAN" }, ... };

In this example, the "pricing" object includes the price of 0.1 and the currency is "OCEAN", this means that a user needs to pay 0.1 OCEAN to access the data asset.

Best practices:

  • It is important to make sure that the access controls are strict enough to protect the data, but not too strict that it becomes difficult for legitimate users to access the data.
  • It is also important to consider the different use cases for the data, and to set different access controls and pricing accordingly.
  • For example, a data set used for research purposes may have different access controls and pricing than a data set used for commercial purposes.
  • Additionally, it is important to be transparent and clear about the access controls and pricing for the data asset, so users know what they are getting and what to expect.
  • When it comes to pricing, it is important to set a fair price for the data asset that is fair to both the data owner and the data consumer.
  • This can be achieved by considering the value of the data, the costs of maintaining and updating the data, and the competition in the market.
  • It is also important to consider the currency in which the data is being sold, and to ensure that it is a widely accepted and stable currency.
  • Overall, it is important to strike a balance between protecting the data and making it accessible to legitimate users, and setting a fair price for the data that is beneficial for both the data owner and consumer.

Monitoring and updating the data assets:

Monitoring and updating data assets is an important step in maintaining the quality and integrity of the data on the Ocean Protocol network.

Monitoring assets:

  • To monitor the status of a data asset, you can use the Ocean.js library's "getAsset()" function.
  • This function takes the asset's ID as a parameter and returns an object containing information about the asset, such as its metadata, data, and access controls.
  • You can use this information to check if the asset is still valid, if the data is still accurate, and if the access controls are still appropriate.

const ocean = new Ocean.getInstance(); const assetId = "0x1234567890";

ocean.getAsset(assetId) .then(asset => { console.log(asset); }) .catch(error => { console.log(error); });

In this example, the "getAsset()" function is used to get information about an asset with ID "0x1234567890" and the returned data is logged to the console.

Updating assets:

  • Once you have identified that an asset needs to be updated, you can use the Ocean.js library's "updateAsset()" function to make the necessary changes.
  • This function takes an object with the new metadata and data as a parameter, and updates the asset on the network.

const ocean = new Ocean.getInstance(); const assetId = "0x1234567890"; const newMetadata = { name: "Ocean Data - Updated", description: "Ocean data for research - Updated", ... };

ocean.updateAsset(assetId, newMetadata) .then(updatedAsset => { console.log(updatedAsset); }) .catch(error => { console.log(error); });

In this example, the "updateAsset()" function is used to update an asset with ID "0x1234567890" with new metadata. The updated asset is then logged to the console.

It's important to note that when updating an asset, you should also update the data files associated with the asset if the data has changed. This can be done by re-encrypting and re-packaging the data files and passing them as a parameter to the "updateAsset()" function.

Communicating updates to data consumers:

  • Once an asset has been updated, it is important to communicate the changes to the data consumers who have access to the asset.
  • This can be done by sending an email or a notification to the data consumers, or by updating the metadata of the asset with information about the changes.
  • It is also important to keep a record of the changes made to the asset, in case there are any issues or questions from the data consumers.

In summary, monitoring and updating data assets is a crucial step in maintaining the quality and integrity of the data on the Ocean Protocol network. By regularly checking the status of the assets and making necessary updates, you can ensure that the data remains accurate and useful for the data consumers. Additionally, it's important to communicate the changes to the data consumers and keep a record of the changes made.

Consuming data assets:

Searching and discovering data assets on the Ocean Protocol network:

Explanation of how to search for data assets using the Ocean.js library. This can be done by using the library's "searchAssets()" function and passing in search parameters such as keywords and asset type. Information on best practices for searching for data assets. This can include things like using specific keywords, searching by asset type, and using advanced search options.

Obtaining access to data assets:

Instructions on how to obtain access to data assets using the Ocean.js library. This can be done by using the library's "getAccess()" function and passing in the asset ID and any necessary access credentials. Information on how to handle access control and permissions. This can include things like checking that the user has the necessary access credentials, and handling cases where access is denied.

Decrypting and using the data:

Explanation of how to decrypt and use the data once you have access to it. This can be done by using a library such as AES-JS to decrypt the data, and then parsing it into a format that can be used by your application. Information on best practices for handling decrypted data. This can include things like properly sanitizing the data to prevent security vulnerabilities, and making sure the data is being used in accordance with the access controls and permissions.

Paying for the data usage:

Instructions on how to pay for data usage using the Ocean.js library. This can be done by using the library's "payForAccess()" function and passing in the asset ID, the amount to pay, and any necessary payment credentials. Information on best practices for data usage pricing. This can include things like pricing the data in a way that is fair to both the data owner and the data consumer, and making sure the pricing model is transparent and easy to understand.

Building data-driven applications:

Examples of use cases for Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network:

  • Data marketplaces: Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network can be used to build decentralized data marketplaces where data providers can list and sell their data assets, and data consumers can easily search and access the data they need. This can include things like financial data, medical data, and sensor data.
  • Data analytics: Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network can be used to process and analyze large amounts of data in a secure and decentralized way. This can include things like predictive analytics, machine learning, and natural language processing.
  • Data-driven AI applications: Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network can be used to build AI applications that use data from the network to improve their performance. This can include things like computer vision, speech recognition, and natural language understanding.

Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network can be used to solve specific problems such as:

  • Improving data security by encrypting and packaging data assets, and setting access controls to ensure only authorized users can access the data.
  • Increasing data access by making it easy for data consumers to find and access the data they need, while also providing incentives for data providers to share their data.
  • Reducing costs associated with data storage and management by using decentralized storage solutions and smart contracts to automate data access and payment processes.

Best practices for building data-driven applications with these technologies:

  • Designing a user-friendly interface: A user-friendly interface can make it easy for data consumers to find and access the data they need, and for data providers to list and manage their data assets.
  • Making sure the application is scalable and efficient: A scalable and efficient application can handle large amounts of data and handle many requests at the same time, without slowing down or crashing.
  • Ensuring data security and privacy: Data security and privacy is crucial when building data-driven applications. This can include things like encrypting data assets, setting access controls, and implementing compliance and regulatory measures.
  • Designing and implementing these applications for maximum efficiency: This can include things like using design patterns, optimizing code, and automating processes.

When building data-driven applications with Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network, it's important to keep in mind that these technologies are still relatively new and some best practices may not yet be fully established. However, by keeping up to date with the latest developments and experimenting with different approaches, you can gain a deeper understanding of how to use these technologies to build efficient and effective data-driven applications.

Sample code and demos:

Sample code:

The sample code section would provide a collection of code snippets and examples that demonstrate how to use Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network in different use cases and scenarios. These examples would be well commented, easy to understand and can be easily adapted to different projects. Some examples of the different use cases and scenarios that sample code could cover include:

  • Creating and registering data assets on the Ocean Protocol network
  • Setting access controls and pricing for data assets
  • Paying for data usage
  • Searching for and obtaining access to data assets
  • Decrypting and using the data


The demos section would provide a collection of working examples that showcase the capabilities of Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network in data-driven applications. These demos can be used as a starting point for building your own applications. Some examples of the types of demos that could be included are:

  • A simple data marketplace that allows users to search for and purchase data assets
  • A data analytics application that uses data from the Ocean Protocol network
  • A data-driven AI application that uses data from the Ocean Protocol network
  • A demo that showcases the use of the Pocket Network for data access in an Ocean Protocol application

FAQs and tips


The FAQs section would provide answers to common questions about using Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network in data projects. These FAQs would be organized by topic and would be easy to find. Some examples of the types of questions that could be included in the FAQs section are:

  • How do I set up a local Ocean Protocol test network?

To set up a local Ocean Protocol test network, you will first need to install the necessary dependencies such as Docker and Node.js. Then, you can follow the instructions provided in the Ocean Protocol documentation to clone the repository, start the network and create a new ocean token.

  • How do I create a wallet and obtain test tokens?

To create a wallet and obtain test tokens, you can use one of the available wallet providers such as MetaMask or WalletConnect. Once you have created a wallet, you can obtain test tokens by participating in a faucet or using a test token faucet service.

  • How do I set up the Pocket Network for use with Ocean Protocol?

To set up the Pocket Network for use with Ocean Protocol, you will first need to install the Pocket Network node and configure it to connect to the Ocean Protocol network. Then, you can use the Pocket Network's API to interact with the Ocean Protocol network and perform actions such as querying data and creating assets.

  • How do I define the data model and schema for my data assets?

To define the data model and schema for your data assets, you can use the Ocean Protocol's data model and schema standards. This includes creating a JSON-LD context and mapping the properties of your data to the appropriate terms in the context.

  • How do I encrypt and package data for use on the Ocean Protocol network?

To encrypt and package data for use on the Ocean Protocol network, you can use Ocean Protocol's data packaging and encryption standards. This includes encrypting your data using a symmetric encryption algorithm and packaging it in a format such as IPFS or SWARM.

  • How do I set access controls and pricing for my data assets?

To set access controls and pricing for your data assets, you can use the Ocean Protocol's smart contract template. This includes setting access controls such as whitelisted addresses, and setting a price for usage of the data.

  • How do I search for data assets on the Ocean Protocol network?

To search for data assets on the Ocean Protocol network, you can use the Ocean Protocol's search API. This allows you to query the network for assets that match specific criteria, such as keyword search or filtering by data model and schema.

  • How do I obtain access to data assets?

To obtain access to data assets, you can use the Ocean Protocol's smart contract to purchase access. This includes sending the correct amount of tokens to the smart contract, and the smart contract verifies that you have the correct permissions to access the data.

  • How do I pay for data usage?

To pay for data usage, you can use the Ocean Protocol's smart contract to purchase access. This includes sending the correct amount of tokens to the smart contract, and the smart contract verifies that you have the correct permissions and enough tokens to access the data.


The tips section would provide best practices for using Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network in data projects. These tips would be organized by topic and would be easy to find. Some examples of the types of tips that could be included in the tips section are:

  • Use JSON Schema to define the data model and schema for your data assets
  • Use AES-256 encryption to encrypt data
  • Use access controls and pricing that are fair to both the data owner and the data consumer
  • Use specific keywords and advanced search options when searching for data assets
  • Use the Ocean.js library to create, register, and monitor data assets
  • Use the Pocket Network for data access if your data is large or requires low-latency access
  • Keep the data model and schema simple and easy to understand
  • Always consider data security and privacy when handling data
  • Test your code and applications thoroughly before deploying them to production
  • Keep the development environment and dependencies up-to-date

Please note that this is a general outline of what a comprehensive guide to using Ocean Protocol and the Pocket Network in data projects could look like, and it can be adapted and refined based on the specific needs of the project and community.