19jan engineering meeting - OpenDataforWeb3/Resources GitHub Wiki

attending: spacet, sarob

  • engineering project: we are good with taking responsibility for engineering, time permitting
  • voting: We have been asked to help with the hackathon voting. We will ping @epowell101 if he needs some help. Organization voting for decisions and project for electing leads we take on if we can decide the technology to use, e.g. use something simple in the short term, while we organizationally decide on a more web3 friendly, complex solution.
  • dework: We are digging in to it and can likely have a RC version shortly.
  • GitHub action to publish the website from resources: @sarob created a first pass at the code. @spacet will add NPM options.
  • password manager: We have 5+ people with organization related creds. As people show up willing to help and other fall back without the time, we need to manage who has access to what. We will investigate a useful, low cost option to track org creds.
  • regular meeting: set for thu 7am PT