Forest Users and Teams - OpenDataEnterprise/sdg-nri-website GitHub Wiki


In Forest, all access is controlled through users and teams. In order to manage these settings, you will need to log in to Forest as an administrator and activate the SDG National Reporting Initiative project. Once you have logged in, select the cog icon labelled Settings near the bottom of the list of options in the sidebar. You may then select either Teams or Users depending on which you need to manage.


Adding Users

The Teams management panel is where you actually invite users to Forest (all users must be part of a team). There is an Invite People text field where you can enter an email address to send a team invitation to, then an adjoining dropdown where you may select the default permissions level the user's account will be created with. Select Invite to send the invitation.

To remove users, please refer to the Users section below.


Removing Users

The Users management panel allows you to change user permissions and remove users from the project. Simply use the dropdowns to change user permission levels, or the trashcan icons to remove accounts. Select Save changes or Discard changes accordingly to finalize or discard changes.