Forest Reviewing Resource Submissions - OpenDataEnterprise/sdg-nri-website GitHub Wiki


Resources submitted by users from the UN SDG National Reporting Initiative website generate two records: a record of the submission and an associated resource record.

The resource record is initialized with a few of its fields filled out using data from the submission form. However, it is the responsibility of the reviewer to explicitly assign any related data such as any relevant countries, languages, tags, resource types, and topic categories.

Reviewing submissions

New submissions should appear under Data > Submissions > Unreviewed in the Forest dashboard.

You can select a record from the Submissions table to view more details.

Once you begin the process of reviewing the submission, you should update the submission status by selecting the Edit button in the upper-right corner, selecting Under review from the submission status dropdown field, and selecting Apply changes in the lower-right corner.

At this point, you should cross-check the information provided by the submitter and update the information on the resource.

Please see the section on managing resources.

Accepting submissions

Once you have reviewed the submission and edited the resource to your satisfaction, navigate to the Under review segment, find the appropriate submission, and then update the submission status to Accepted. Doing so will automatically flag the associated resource to be published.