Forest Collections Overview - OpenDataEnterprise/sdg-nri-website GitHub Wiki

Note: This is purely a technicality for most. Collections are highly related to and coupled with the underlying tables in the project database, but they are not exactly equal. When you use Forest, you are technically interacting with collections.

Main Collections

These are the main collections you will interact with and manage.

  • Resources

    These are the resources related to national reporting of UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Submissions

    These are automatically generated records of resource submissions from the website, and are associated with a corresponding resource record upon creation.

  • News

    These are relevant news items related to national reporting of UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Events

    These are relevant events occurring related to national reporting of UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Metadata Collections

These are meant to provide supporting data for resources.

  • Topics

    These are the different topic categories that resources can belong to.

  • Regions

    These are the different regions that countries can belong to, following the United Nations geoscheme. Resources and regions are not directly associated.

  • Countries

    These are the different countries that resources can be associated with. This is currently the list of UN member countries.

  • Languages

    These are the available languages that resources can be associated with, and are meant to be used when listing which languages a resource is available in.

  • Content Types

    These are the different resource types that resources can be associated with, and are meant to provide clues as to the format of a resource.

  • Tags

    These are the different tags that resources can be associated with. They are meant to provide clues as to the content of a resource, and also a way to filter resources on the website.

  • Locations

    These are the locations that an event can be associated with, and are meant to detail where events will occur.

  • Submission Statuses

    These are the possible statuses that a submission can take (i.e. Unreviewed, Under review, Accepted).

Associative Collections

You can ignore these collections for the most part. They provide bookkeeping of the associations between records in different collections.

Important Note: Please do not edit these collections unless you understand exactly what you are doing.

  • Resource Content Types
  • Resource Countries
  • Resource Languages
  • Resource Topics
  • Resource Tags
  • Event Locations