API Configuration - OpenDataEnterprise/sdg-nri-website GitHub Wiki

.env Configuration File

The .env file provides important configuration data that the API needs to operate as environment variables.

For further information on PostgreSQL environment variables, please see the official documentation.

  • DATABASE_URL: To understand how to construct a value for this configuration variable, please refer to the libpq connection string documentation.
  • PGUSER: This is the username credential to be used to authenticate against PostgreSQL. For local development environments, this is often postgres by default.
  • PGPASSWORD: This is the user password credential to the used to authenticate against PostgreSQL.
  • PGHOST: This is the address of the PostgreSQL server you wish to connect to. For local development servers, this is often localhost by default.
  • PGPORT: This is the listening port of the PostgreSQL server you wish to connect to. For all PostgreSQL servers with default configurations, this should be the common value 5432.
  • PGDATABASE: This is the name of the database you wish to connect to. Please refer to the official PostgreSQL documentation for a description of database versus schema in PostgreSQL.
  • PGSSLMODE: This sets whether or not to attempt SSL connections. For local development servers, this will most likely be disable.
  • FOREST_AUTH_SECRET: The authentication secret to be used when communicating with Forest. If you are not using Forest, please set to a random value.
  • FOREST_ENV_SECRET: The authentication secret that identifies the project environment (in Forest) the API is running on. If you are not using Forest, please set to a random value; the API will complain on startup, but the warning can be ignored.
  • SSL_DATABASE: This specifies to Forest whether an SSL connection should be used. If you are not using Forest, just set to false.
  • DATABASE_SCHEMA: This is the PostgreSQL schema that the API should be configured to use. For this project, the default should be sdg.
  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: This is the AWS Access Key ID for the IAM user.
  • AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: This is the AWS Secret Access Key for the IAM user.
  • AWS_REGION: This is the AWS region that the API will look for services under.
  • S3_BUCKET: This is the S3 bucket that will store featured images for resources.
  • RECEIVE_CONTACT_FORM_EMAILS: This is the e-mail address to receive processed contact form data.
  • RECEIVE_RESOURCE_FORM_EMAILS: This is the e-mail address to receive processed resource submission data.
  • ALERT_SENDER_EMAIL: This is the automated sender e-mail address that the API should mark as from.
  • SITE_URL: This is the URL of the SDG National Reporting Initiative website. For a local development environment, the default Jekyll server runs on http://localhost:4000/.