FAQ - OpenChrom/openchrom GitHub Wiki

Frequently Asked Questions and Known Issues

Can I use OpenChrom to control my instruments?

Chances are good that OpenChrom will be able to read data files generated by your instrument, but OpenChrom does not have device control capabilities. It is a software for data analysis only.

Will OpenChrom be able to read my data?

Give it a try! We are improving data reading and adding support for new file formats constantly. Contact us if your files won't work with OpenChrom yet.

Which operating systems are supported?

  • Windows
  • macOS
  • Linux

Why does the ZIP extraction fail on Windows?

You get the File Path too Long error on Microsoft Windows because there is a maximum file path limitation. Try to extract to a more shallow directory or use another program for unzipping, for example, 7-Zip. The OpenChrom Chocolatey package contains a workaround and is not affected. The limitation is also avoided when using the .exe installer.

Why is the startup slow on Microsoft Windows?

Windows Defender significantly slows down OpenChrom startup. The problem has been reported to Microsoft already. Until it is addressed, add an exclusion to Windows Security to the OpenChrom root directory.

Why does the converter download fail?


If you are behind a proxy, you may need to configure it in OpenChrom:

  1. In OpenChrom select WindowPreferences
  2. Choose Network Connections
  3. Select Manual from the Active Provider dropdown list.
  4. Select HTTPS in the List and click Edit button.

Fill in the proxy server host and port number, including username and password if the proxy server requires it. Restart the application. If it still does not work, clear all entries except of HTTPS.

SSL Inspection

If you see an error message like

Connection to https://converter.openchrom.net/p2.index failed on PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested target.

In openchrom.ini try removing


and restart the application.