citizens warehouse - OpenBankProject/OBP-API GitHub Wiki

Anonymised Data Warehouse data

Please note: Access to the Anonymised Data Warehouse is restricted to the participants of the Hackathon

  1. Logout here if you are using one of the provided default users

  2. Register a username / password that will be used in your App to get access to the anonymised datawarehouse data.

  3. Login here as that user

  4. Get the user_id of this user using the API / API Explorer

  5. Send us your Full Name, Project Name, email and the user_id(s) that should access this data via Slack - Or just come and see us.

  6. **Come and see a member of the Open Bank Project / TESOBE team.

  7. Once we have granted you access we will notify you on Slack

  8. Now you can use the end point documented at Search Warehouse

Available indices in the warehouse:

accounts (141013 records)

Summaries for the Customer accounts in index customer

Fields Description
"ACCOUNT_ID" unique identifier
"LAST_DEPOSIT_DATE" Last deposited date
"LAST_STATEMENT_DATE" Last statement date
"LAST_WITHDRAWAL_DATE" Last withdrawal Date
"MINIMUM_BALANCE_DATE_MTD" Month To date Min Balance
"NUMBER_OF_CREDITS_THIS_CYCLE" Total number of Credits this month
"NUMBER_OF_DEBITS_THIS_CYCLE" Total Number of debits this month
"DDA_BALANCE" Balance amount
"LAST_DEPOSIT_AMOUNT" last deposit amount

customers (22046 records)

Customer accounts

Fields Description
"ACCOUNT_ID" unique identifier
"CUSTOMER_ID" unique identifier
"ACCOUNT_OPEN_DATE" date the account was opened
"ACCOUNT_RATE_PCT" interest rate
"ACCOUNT_STATUS" account status
"CUSTOMER_AGE" customer age
"DDA_BALANCE_AMT" account balance
"AVERAGE_BALANCE_LAST_3_MO_AMT" average balance for the last 3 months
"AVERAGE_BALANCE_LAST_12_MO_AMT" average balance for the last 12 months
"PRODUCT_CD" product code, see product code mapping
"PRODUCT_TYPE_NM" product name
"ACCOUNT_CLOSE_DT" date of account closing
"CUSTOMER_STATE_NM" state of the account holder
"CC_AVAILABLE_BALANCE_AMT" available balance amount
"CREDIT_LIMIT_AMT" Credit limit amount

transactions (1090845 records)

Fields Description
"ACCOUNT_ID" unique identifier for the account
"TRANSACTION_DT" transaction date
"TRANSACTION_CODE" transaction code

transactionscredit (40947 records)

Fields Description

Individuals Using OBP v4.0.0

  • Get default 10 records:

    "query": {
        "match_all": {}
  • Get first 0 - 1000 records:

    "size": 1000,
    "from": 0,
    "query": {
        "match_all": {}
  • Get the next "page" from 1000 - 2000 records:

    "size": 1000,
    "from": 2000,
    "query": {
        "match_all": {}

For more information about Elastic Search query syntax see