Fix hole in mesh - Oops19/blender-python-scripts GitHub Wiki


While this should never happen some vendors have a trait to produce such meshes and use additional meshes to fill these holes. These holes may be filled with little effort by duplicating the additional mesh and then join it to the main mesh with the hole. Sometimes there are holes and no meshes to fill them. In this case manual work is required. This rare case is not completely covered here.

3D View

  • (Key: 'TAB') In the '3D View' window change the view from 'Object' to 'Edit' mode.
  • Set the Vertex selection to 'Face select'
  • (Key: 'a') Deselect everything and select all faces around the hole.
  • (Key: 'c' - Mouse wheel to change the size of the selection tool) Click on the faces to select them. Shift-click to deselect faces.

UV/Image Editor

  • In the 'UV/Image Editor' fix the UV map.
  • (Key: 'a') Select the surrounding vertices on the UV map
  • (Key: 'p') and pin the UV map.

3D View

  • In the '3D View' window fill the hole. Creating new edges may be hard, depending on the hole.
  • (Key: 'f') Often filling the hole works fine.
  • (Key 'Ctrl + t') Then one or more triangulations are needed.
  • This should be enough to fill the hole, also in UV map.

UV/Image Editor

  • If for random reasons the UV map is not updated you'll need to unwrap the face manually and move the UV vertices to their proper places.
  • (Key: 's' - Move mouse) The UV map may become huge, scaling it down may help to view the important parts.
  • (Key: 'c') Circle select the vertices.
  • (Key: 'g' - Move mouse) Grab them and move them around.
  • Repeat the steps a few times until the UV map looks normal.