Road to 1.0 - OnlineCop/kq-fork GitHub Wiki

Getting ready for a 1.0 release.

You can check out the current dev branch that now comes with an ending.

Stuff left to do:

  • Doom and all Death spells don't appear to work anymore
  • Set up zone 0 combat for cave6a, cave6b, cave9, pass2 and main map combats for zones 86-90 (I added 8 more sprites after the dreadpede that could be used. The rat looking guy was an idea for the boss at the end of cave6b where you get the trident).
  • Encounters especially the new ones I made could use a balance pass
  • Change character graphics I was leaning towards but that requires modifying the engine to support slightly bigger sprites
  • Add in a scene where if Ayla is in your party and Nostik has left the manor you can break into his room and find a mysterious letter from "M" (Malkaron)
  • Check for bugs (the coliseum has some edge cases that might show up)
  • Change tile graphics
  • Change music not created by Josh's cousin as outlined in the sourceforge posts as outlined on the wiki page
  • (OPTIONAL idea) Add Optional super boss that lets you get Chendigal and chendigra locked behind sealed door(need crystal) in sea tunnel. (This could be anticlimatic because Malkaron is immune to all attacks because of his opal armor)
  • (OPTIONAL idea) Add ruined city of Xenar and add in Optional super boss that lets you get X-Surge locked behind sealed door(need crystal)