MVP Feature List - OndreWilliams/TownSquare GitHub Wiki
Townsquare, a StackOverflow clone, is a web app where users can talk about local events, restaurants, activities and engage in light discussion.
1. Account Creation:
- Guest/demo login
- Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
- Users can use a demo login to try the site.
- Users can't use certain features without logging in (like posting questions and posting answers).
- Logged in users are directed to the main page which will display a list of recent questions.
- Logged out users are directed to a page displaying the login screen.
2. Hosting on Heroku
3. Posting Questions
- Logged in users can post questions.
- Logged in users can edit and delete their own questions.
- All users can view a sampling of the most recent questions.
4. Posting answers
- Logged in users can post answers to questions.
- Logged in users can edit and delete their own answers.
- All users can view answers to questions.
5. Searching for Questions
- Logged in users can search for questions using the search bar.
6. Bonus Features
- Add Question Categories / Tags
- Comment on Questions / Answers
- Polymorphic Up/Down Votes: Questions, Answers, Comments
- Theme / Colors / Icons specific to different regions
- Adding images / Other media to posts
- Post Event Button Event posting / organizing / gathering signups
- Basic user profile with an image that ties to users posts
- Promotion sidebar (up and coming / currently active topics etc.)
- Closing topics - User X has privileges to "mark as answered" etc
7. Sprint To Do's
Filter buttons
Sidebar content styling
Responsiveness (questions overflowing on narrow screen)
Consistent shadows