How to Run - OndraZizka/jboss-migration GitHub Wiki
See also Where to Download.
The application is meant to be run on a fresh installation of the target server.
Currently, the target server must be running during the migration. The future versions of the app will be able to start the server for you.
Currently, the JBOSS_HOME system property must NOT be set. MIGR-84
To run the app, use the distribution jar as follows:
java -jar AsMigrator.jar [<option>, ...] src.dir=<src.dir> dest.dir=<dest.dir>
<src.dir> is expected to contain path to AS 5 or EAP 5 home directory, i.e. the one with server/ subdirectory.
<dest.dir> is expected to contain path to AS 7 or EAP 6 home directory, i.e. the one with jboss-modules.jar.
Path to AS 5 or EAP 5 profile.
Default: "default"
Path to AS 7, WildFly 8 or EAP 6 config file.
Default: "standalone/configuration/standalone.xml"
conf.<module>.<property>=<value> := Module-specific options.
<module> := Name of one of modules. E.g. datasource, jaas, security, ...
<property> := Name of the property to set. Specific per module. May occur multiple times.
For the full list of options please see the Migrators page.