Bugs and Fixes - OmnipreneurshipAcademy/edx-platform GitHub Wiki
Errors and Fixes
This page contains issues faced while setup and afterwards and the solution for the issues. Check if someone has already faced the issue that you are facing or update and add the issue and fix that you faced.
Before following Getting started from devstack, follow these steps:
- Open Terminal and run curl -sfL https://direnv.net/install.sh | bash to install direnv
- Once it gets installed successfully, hook it in your bash by Running nano ~/.bash_profile and paste eval "$(direnv hook bash)" in the end of this file. (Note your default shell should be bash) otherwise you can follow https://direnv.net/docs/hook.html to hook
- Now in your root adg folder please add a file named .envrc and paste following two lines in it.
export DEVSTACK_WORKSPACE="$(pwd)"
export OPENEDX_RELEASE=juniper.master
- Save your .envrc file and restart your Terminal. navigate to adg folder in Terminal. you may see an error message indicating to run direnv allow. Run that command.
- Now your exported variables will be loaded everytime you open adg or any child folder of this directory. You can test it by printing your environment variables. echo $OPENEDX_RELEASE
- After doing this please follow these steps https://github.com/OmnipreneurshipAcademy/devstack#getting-started to setup adg.
NOTE: Make sure you have stopped philu before setting up and running adg.
Issues and Fixes:
this thread in slack.
For some of the setup related issues follow1. RuntimeError: Set changed size during iteration
There isn't a permanent solution for this one but this is just irritating. If you are facing this issue then temp fix is whenever you get this error, change any file e.g. add new empty lines in a file. Let the server reload It may or may not work fine for the first time and will show that error again and try this again and again by removing or adding lines so that server reloads and it will run at some point.
2. FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: Path('/edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform/themes/adg-edx-theme/edx-platform/')
- This is because you have not cloned adg-theme in edx-platform/themes. Follow devstack readme from here.
3. mongodb error
Stacktrace ending like:
mongod(_ZN5mongo32fassertFailedNoTraceWithLocationEiPKcj+0x0) [0x556dad6e5a8a] mongod(+0xA76F16) [0x556dad7c0f16] mongod(+0xAE88D9) [0x556dad8328d9] mongod(__wt_err_func+0x90) [0x556dad680cdc] mongod(__wt_panic+0x3F) [0x556dad6810fc] mongod(__wt_turtle_update+0x20C) [0x556dad7f665c] mongod(__wt_metadata_update+0x1BC) [0x556dad7f402c] mongod(+0xB93392) [0x556dad8dd392] mongod(__wt_meta_ckptlist_set+0x2A9) [0x556dad8dd899] mongod(+0xAF90BE) [0x556dad8430be] mongod(__wt_checkpoint+0xA9) [0x556dad844e69] mongod(__wt_meta_track_off+0x748) [0x556dad7f5448] mongod(__wt_schema_drop+0x132) [0x556dad819fc2] mongod(__wt_las_create+0x243) [0x556dad8895d3] mongod(__wt_connection_workers+0x5E) [0x556dad7d641e] mongod(wiredtiger_open+0x1B7F) [0x556dad7d2e9f] mongod(_ZN5mongo18WiredTigerKVEngineC2ERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEES8_PNS_11ClockSourceES8_mmbbbb+0x8C9) [0x556dad7a1cd9] mongod(+0xA3AB28) [0x556dad784b28] mongod(_ZN5mongo20ServiceContextMongoD29initializeGlobalStorageEngineEv+0x275) [0x556dad98c1c5] mongod(+0xA15E2A) [0x556dad75fe2a] mongod(_ZN5mongo11mongoDbMainEiPPcS1_+0x872) [0x556dad763642] mongod(main+0x9) [0x556dad6e7759] libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xF0) [0x7f5b65317830] mongod(_start+0x29) [0x556dad74b969] ----- END BACKTRACE -----
Solution: docker run mongo:3.6.17 mongod --repair
Solution: Restart docker
5. If you are facing issues with the static files you can try these e.g. JS files are giving 404.
make static or paver update_assets or npm install --all If none of these works, you can run make dev.down then docker stop $(docker ps -aq) and then docker rm $(docker ps -aq) and then you can start containers by running make dev.up