Home - OmnipreneurshipAcademy/edx-platform GitHub Wiki

Welcome to the wiki for edX-Platform

This repo is forked from https://github.com/edx/edx-platform. We will need to customize this platform according to the ADG requirements. The things that we will be doing are following:

  • Changing the core code, core code means the code of edX-platform which exists in all other places except edx-platform/openedx/adg.
  • Adding new functionalities i.e. adding new apps, views, tests..

To avoid the hassle while upgrading our open-edX version.

  1. Avoid core changes.
  2. Try to override the existing feature and just update the imports in core files.
  3. If core changes are inevitable then handle test cases for those changes and also log core changes in the core-changes page of this wiki as directed at that page.
  4. Add new app or find a relative app in edx-platform/openedx/adg directory and add the new feature there.
  5. Run tests for core apps if you have changed anything in the core apps and tests must pass. For unit tests related issues and suggestions check the unit-tests page.
  6. Write tests for new features and overridden features.

Important Log all the changes to the core code in core-changes page of the wiki.