Project Vision and Scope - OmegaOoh/ku-tangtee GitHub Wiki

KU TangTee Vision and Scope

Author: Pasu Sangiemsin, Sirapob Phasut, Thanawas Sirilertsathit, Teerapat Trepopsakulsin

Revised: 30 Nov 2024


KU is a large community with many individuals who may want to group or team up to participate in or organize activities. Our application provides a way for KU students to discover activities to join and advertise new activities that others may join.

Stakeholders and Their Interests

Stakeholder Goal or Needs
Students Easy way to find and join activities they are interested in. \ Easy way to connect between students. \ Ability to Organize their activities.
University and Faculty A way to communicate events to students
Event Organizers A way to promote or advertise their event, manage people joining the event, communicate with or notify event participants, and monitor the number of participants


For the KU Community, including students, faculty, staff, and university units who want to enlist students for an event on a specific date,

and for students who want to find activities to participate in, which include official events, group study, etc.

Our product is an easy-to-use web application that provides the ability to create and join activities with a way to communicate with other participants.

Our product provides a web interface to create and join activities and allow event participants to communicate with each other.

Alternatives Solution

There are other free and pain web-based applications for gathering people for events or activities. Two such products are:

  • Facebook - An easy way to connect and communicate with others, but appointing and filtering only people inside Kasetsart University to be able to participate in the activity is difficult.
  • Meetup - A mobile application that provides a platform for finding an upcoming event around a user's location. Users can also conduct an event themselves, but anyone can use and conduct an event on Meetup, not just KU members.

Main Features

  • Create an Account with Google OAuth.
  • User Profile Creation
    • Display Name
    • KU Generation (Self-register)
    • Faculty (Self-register)
    • Major (Self-register)
  • Search for activities that they're able to join.
  • Filter the activities for a specific name or date.
  • Sort the activities by the start of the activity period.
  • Create an Activity
    • Date/Period that event takes place
    • Date before the registration ends
    • Description
    • Location
    • People Limit
  • Activity creator (activity owner) is able to grant or remove host access to participants.
  • Activity hosts have access to edit activity details and kick participants.
  • Users are able to join available activities.
  • When a user joins an activity, the user will be added to the group chat for activity participants automatically.
    • Group chat supports image upload.
  • Users can leave the activities.
  • Check-in system
    • During the activity period, the hosts can allow check-in for participants to check in to the activity.
  • Reputation system
    • Each user has tracked reputation points that cannot be reset.
      • The participants' reputation points will be increased when they check in to the activity before it ends and decreased when they don't.
      • The hosts' reputation points will be decreased when there is no participant checked in.
    • The number of concurrent activities each user can join depends on their reputation level.
    • The hosts can specify the minimum reputation level required for the users to join the activity.

Optional Features For Staged Release

  • Email/Line notification before the event
  • General Forum for general talking
  • Limit the user creation of event rate to prevent spam
  • Map to see what/where activities took place on a specific day.

Features Not to Be Implement

  • Voice Chat
  • File Upload
  • Moderation interface
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