Iteration 7 Plan - OmegaOoh/ku-tangtee GitHub Wiki

Iteration 7 Plan


  1. Location field for activity
  2. Separated Recent Join activity and Hosted activity
  3. Add CI for javascript
  4. Pagination for Activity Index (Page), Activity Participant (Page), and Chat (Scroll)
  5. Revise Requirements
  6. Revise and


  1. Activity Location in detail.
  2. Pagination for Activity Index, Participant, Chat.


  1. Activity Location in detail.
  2. Pagination for Activity Index, Participant, Chat.
  3. Separate recently joined and hosted activities.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. API calls for Index send only necessary data
  2. Separate API for Activity Participant
  3. Activity Detail Have Activity Location
  4. CI for javascript is implemented
  5. Activity Index has a pagination
  6. Activity Participant has a pagination
  7. Chat doesn't load all previous chats at once

Iteration 7 Retrospective