Status Update ‐ Mid Sprint 3 - OmarAbdelmotaleb/Jobber GitHub Wiki

Project Jobber Status Update

MID of Sprint 3

Date: 2024-03-25 - 2024-04-01

Major Project Feature Summary:

Status Symbol
In Progress 🔶
Pending ⛔️

Major Project Feature % completed to date

Feature Status Completion Percentage
Account creation and login page 🔶 80%
User Authentication 🔶 70%
Status Dashboard Homepage ⛔️ 0%
Resume Parsing ⛔️ 0%
Company Management System ⛔️ 0%
Contact Management System ⛔️ 0%
Reminder System ⛔️ 0%
Filtering Options 100%
Website Navigation 🔶 60%
Analytics Dashboard ⛔️ 0%
Job Tracking Page (Main app) 🔶 60%

Current Project Status Summary: ✅

With the mid of Sprint 3, the project has shifted focus on getting the job tracking page completed. We've had some challenges we came across, but we're holding the deadline for full funcitonality by the end of Sprint 3. Should any additional challenges appear, we can push to Sprint 4.

Team Status Summary:

The team is currently focused to complete the Job Tracking Page's full functionality.

Team Goals for the upcoming week:

  • Complete all remaining CRUD functionality for job tracking page
  • Complete tables for database
  • Complete Google Authentication Token Exchange with the backend.
  • Frontend hosting on AWS S3, with that we should have all our systems deployed on cloud.

Individual Team Member Status:

  • Raj: Worked on filtering pipeline, modifying the ag-grid and application form.

    Next week: Complete the http triggers for form submit, ag-grid cells, and login info.

  • Omar: Worked on user sign-in and authentication linking with the frontend.

  • Next week: Complete all backend authentication to link up with the frontend.

  • Dev: Working on apis to work with user job applications

    Next week: Continue Working on apis to work with user job applications

  • Arjun: Hosting front end using AWS S3 bucket.

    Next week: Creating CI/CD pipeline for the front end.

  • Amith: Worked on creating tables and their relational mapping and worked on creating CI/CD pipeline.

    Next week: Working on tables related to company and jobs of the ag-grid. Also development in the backup of api calls.

Past week team activities:

  • Status meeting (ALL) 03/26/2024
  • Development meeting (ALL) 03/31/2024
  • Authentication discussion (Omar and Raj) 03/31/2024

Team Project Decisions:

  • Changed development meetings to Sundays at 1:00 PM.
  • Changed backend task assignees.

Other Comments: