Status Update ‐ Mid Sprint 2 - OmarAbdelmotaleb/Jobber GitHub Wiki

Project Jobber Status Update

MID of Sprint 2

Date: 2024-03-04 - 2024-03-18

Major Project Feature Summary:

Status Symbol
In Progress 🔶
Pending ⛔️

Major Project Feature % completed to date

Feature Status Completion Percentage
Account creation and login page 🔶 10%
User Authentication 🔶 25%
Status Dashboard Homepage ⛔️ 0%
Resume Parsing ⛔️ 0%
Company Management System ⛔️ 0%
Contact Management System ⛔️ 0%
Reminder System ⛔️ 0%
Filtering Options ⛔️ 0%
Website Navigation 🔶 50%
Analytics Dashboard ⛔️ 0%
Job Tracking Page (Main app) 🔶 70%

Current Project Status Summary: ✅

With the mid of Sprint 2, the project has progressed past the initial phases and into full feature development. The team has moved into getting the main app, the job tracking page, in a functional state. We are also working on the getting the users into the database and getting the baseline functionality for user experience, we should be ready before the end of Sprint 2.

Team Status Summary:

The team is currently focused on completing the database, the backend pipeline with elastic beanstalk, and the primary functional features for the application. The job tracking page and baseline user functionality is our main priorities at the moment.

Team Goals for the upcoming week:

  • Complete REST API calls between backend and frontend.
  • Complete User Authentication.
  • Complete User account creation and login.
  • Complete backend pipeline.

Individual Team Member Status:

  • Raj: Worked on cell editing.

    Next week: Create a reactive user form to add Job applications data.

  • Omar: Worked on status report. Worked on user login and authentication features.

  • Next week: Scaling the test API with new features and working on database connections. Create GET and POST REST API calls on backend from database.

  • Dev: Worked on API to fetch user form data and store it in database.

    Next week: Resume and cover letter storage/update.

  • Arjun: Worked on the CI/CD pipeline for the frontend and hosting elastic beanstalk for the backend.

    Next week: Completing the host issues for the backend on elastic Beanstalk AWS.

  • Amith: Worked on the CI/CD pipeline for the backend and hosting elastic beanstalk for the backend.

    Next week: Creating database and relational mapping for backend

Past week team activities:

  • Status meeting (ALL) 03/05/2024
  • Development meeting (ALL) 03/07/2024

Team Project Decisions:

  • No major decisions as of last week.

Other Comments:

Slow work due to spring break. Will pick the pace back up.