Status Update ‐ Mid Sprint 1 - OmarAbdelmotaleb/Jobber GitHub Wiki

Project Jobber Status Update

MID of Sprint 1

Date: 2024-02-19 - 2024-02-26

Major Project Feature Summary:

Status Symbol
In Progress 🔶
Pending ⛔️

Major Project Feature % completed to date

Feature Status Completion Percentage
Account creation and login page ⛔️ 0%
User Authentication ⛔️ 0%
Status Dashboard Homepage ⛔️ 0%
Resume Parsing ⛔️ 0%
Company Management System ⛔️ 0%
Contact Management System ⛔️ 0%
Reminder System ⛔️ 0%
Filtering Options ⛔️ 0%
Website Navigation 🔶 50%
Analytics Dashboard ⛔️ 0%
Job Tracking Page (Main app) ⛔️ 0%

Current Project Status Summary: ⛔️

For Sprint 1, the project is currently in the bootstrapping phase. Technology stack bootstrapping on the front end, back end, and devops side are almost fully completed for the Sprint 1 midpoint. We are in the reviewing process and will move to work on starting feature development immediately after.

Team Status Summary:

The team is currently focused on bootstrapping and finalizing the CI/CD pipeline. All groups are almost completed.

Team Goals for the upcoming week:

  • Complete the front end for the Job Tracking Page.
  • Complete all bootstrapping requirements.
  • Complete database schema.

Individual Team Member Status:

  • Raj: Worked on the side navigation bar for the Website Navigation feature. Also bootstrapped the front end on AngularJS.

    Next week: Working on the main application feature for job application tracking page.

  • Omar: Worked on enhancing our communication platform via Discord. Worked on settings for the GitHub repo and completed the status report.

    Next week: Creating the testing API for the back end. Working in part on the database schema.

  • Dev: Worked on bootstrapping Django for the back end.

    Next week: Configure and test a back end connection to the database. Working in part on the database schema.

  • Arjun: Worked on bootstrapping the AWS RDS PostgreSQL environment. Established RDS instance credentials and shared with the team.

    Next week: Setting up a CI pipeline for the front end repository.

  • Amith: Worked on bootstrapping the AWS RDS PostgreSQL environment. Created sample data for the database. Worked on setting up a CI pipeline for the back end repository.

    Next week: Complete set up for CI pipeline for the back end repository. Set up a CI pipeline for the front end repository.

Past week team activities:

  • Status meeting (ALL) 02/20/2024
  • Development meeting (ALL) 02/22/2024
  • Status discussion (Omar & Raj) 02/26/2024

Team Project Decisions:

  • Changed development meeting times on Thursday to 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM EST.
  • Established branch protection for the main on the GitHub repository.

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