OU Setup Notes - Oliver-Mustoe/Oliver-Mustoe-Tech-Journal GitHub Wiki
In this page I detail how I Created an OU and configured group policies
First I booted up ad01-firstname and opened Server Manager > clicked Local Server > clicked "Tools" > clicked "Active Directory Users and Computers"
These next steps can be confusing, go slow and double check along the way, if a check box is not mentioned leave it blank if you can
Then I right-clicked on "Firstname.local" and selected New > Organizational Unit > Name it "SYS255".
Then I right-clicked on "SYS255" and selected New > Organizational Unit > Name it "Accounts".
I repeated this step two times but replaced "Accounts" with "Computers" and "Groups".
I then right-clicked "Accounts" and selected New > User > Name it "bob".
I used "bob" for the Logon information as well, if creating the password is causing trouble use a password generator set to >=7 characters with Uppercase and lowercase plus numbers
I repeated this step two times but replaced "bob" with "alice" and "charlie".
The end result should look like this:
Then I dragged "WKS01-firstname" from firstname.local > Computers to SYS255 > Computers.
I then right clicked "Groups" in SYS255 and selected Groups, and used the name "custom-desktop" as the group name, Group scope as global, and Group type as Security.
I then doubled clicked on "custom-desktop" > clicked "Members" > clicked Add > in the writing field entered "bob" > clicked ok
I would repeat the process in members but change "bob" with "alice", I WOULD THEN CLICK APPLY
From here I went back to server manager > Tools > Group Policy Management
In the manager I would click the dropdowns for "Forest: firstname.local" > "Domains" > "firstname.local"
Here I right clicked "SYS255" > clicked Create a GPO > call it "sys255-desktop"
Then I double clicked the newly created GPO, "sys255-desktop", and did the following:
The following steps can be confusing, take caution and go slow
- click Add > write "custom-desktop" into the writable field > ok
- click on "Authenticated Users" > Remove > read the message and click ok
- click Add > write "Domain Computers" into the writable field > ok
- click the tab "Delegation" > click "Advanced"
- Click on "Domain Computers" > set "Apply group policy" to deny > click apply then ok
After this I, as an example, got rid of the Recycle bin for "custom-desktop" users
Example: Death of a Recycle Bin
In this section I detail how I removed the recycling bin for "custom-desktop" users
First I went into the Group Policy manager and found the SYS255 OU and right clicked on "sys255-desktop" and selected edit.
In the editor I would go down the dropdown as follows: User Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > click "Desktop"
Here I would find the option "Remove Recycle Bin from desktop" > right click and select edit > on the left side will be 3 options, to have the setting be on click "Enabled" > Apply
If all works if you login as a "custom-desktop" user, like alice or bob, you will not have access to the recycle bin.