tame tutorial - OkCupid/sfslite GitHub Wiki
For those just starting out with tame, here is a brief tutorial.
Here is a simple complete program written with tame (code can be found in the
distribution under tutorial/ex1.T
or via GitHub
here). All of
these examples assume that you have installed sfslite. To enable
building the tutorial files given below, configure sfslite with the
flag to configure
#include "tame.h"
#include "parseopt.h"
tamed static void
try_connect (str h, int port)
tvars { int fd; }
twait { tcpconnect (h, port, mkevent(fd)); }
if (fd >= 0) {
warn << "Connection succeeded!\n";
exit (0);
} else {
warn << "Connection failed!\n";
exit (1);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int port;
if (argc != 3 || !convertint (argv[2], &port))
fatal << "usage: ex2 <hostname> <port>\n";
try_connect (argv[1], port);
amain ();
If we put this code into the file ex1.T
, then we can compile and run it as
follows (of course, depending on where the SFS libraries are installed on your
% tame -o ex1.C ex1.T
% g++ -I/usr/local/include/sfslite -g -Wall -Werror -Wno-unused -c ex1.C
% g++ -g -Wall -Werror -Wno-unused -o ex1 ex1.o -L/usr/local/lib/sfslite -lasync
Now you can run this little program to see if you can connect to various TCP ports around the internet:
% ./ex1 www.yahoo.com 80
Connection succeeded!
% ./ex1 am.lcs.mit.edu 23
Connection failed!
This is cool to a libasync
developer because the function try_connect
like a single function, even though it's calling tcpconnect
and then waiting
for a response. Traditionally, another function would be explicitly required
to accomplish the same task, as in the following example:
static void try_connect_cb (int fd)
if (fd >= 0) {
warn << "Connection succeeded!\n";
exit (0);
} else {
warn << "Connection failed!\n";
exit (1);
static void try_connect (str h, int port))
// tcpconnect:
// Try to connect to host h, on port p; when the
// verdict is in, call the function try_connect_cb,
// with either the filedescriptor of the new socket,
// or <0 if the connection failed.
tcpconnect (h, port, wrap (try_connect_cb));
Thus, the tame
tool has spared the the programmer from having to call wrap
(which prepares a closure and a continuation) and also from having to
explicitly declare/define the callback try_connect_cb
. Though so doing in
this example would not have been much of an inconvenience, one can imagine that
real code in libasnyc
can get very hairy, very quickly.
First, note the additional include of the header tame.h
, which is installed
with sfslite in include directory:
#include "tame.h"
Next, note the tamed
tamed static
void try_connect (str h, int port)
This syntax tells tame that it should rewrite the function
to use tame-style closures and continuations. In the
case of static functions, as we have here, tame will first make a
static function declaration, then output its internal classes and
functions, and then output the function definition. For non-static
functions (such as class methods), tame will not output the
function declaration, and assumes the programmer has done so
manually. There is one wrinkle to manually writing function
declarations, which is that tame automatically inserts a last
argument to functions that it rewrites, and manually-written function
declarations need to be consistent with this. For instance, the above
code could equivalently be expressed as:
static void try_connect (str h, int port, CLOSURE);
tamed void try_connect (str, int port)
The preprocessor macro CLOSURE
expands to
#define CLOSURE ptr<closure_t> __cls_g = NULL
The point is that the user gave the function try_connect
with the
two arguments 'str h
' and 'int port.
' The tame filter adds
the optional last argument, which it uses internally to make closures
within the function try_connect
. You can safely ignore this last
argument (cls_g
), since your code will never reference it.
Within a tamed
function, the tame filter looks for two types of blocks:
and twait{..}
, and also statements like twait();
We discuss the
first two here and the last later on in this document. The tvars {...}
is used to allocate stack variables. In this manner, tame programming is like
old-fashioned C programming: local variables should be declared all at the
beginning of the function (or method) and then all occupy the same scope. C++
has some neat scoping rules based on blocks within functions/methods, but
tame does not support them.
The code given is of the form:
tvars { int fd; }
Meaning that the programmer only wants one local stack variable, an integer whose name is 'fd.' Simple enough.
The next type of block is the 'twait { ... }' block, which is used to make several parallel asynchronous functions and continuing on in the function only after all have completed:
twait { tcpconnect (host, port, mkevent(fd)); }
The idea is that all asynchronous calls within the twait { ... }
block (such
as tcpconnect
in this case) are called, and when the last one returns,
control will return to the next line after the twait
block, with the exact
same stack configuration. Of course there is other new syntax here. Recall
that in libasync
, one interface for connecting to a remote host via TCP is:
tcpconnect_t *tcpconnect (str hostname, u_int16_t port, cbi cb,
bool dnssearch = true, str *namep = NULL);
Our code is using the first three arguments of tcpconnect
and is ignoring the
return value. The new syntax here is mkevent(fd)
, which will tell tame to
generate a wrap of type cbi
. Recall that in libaysnc:
typedef callback<void, int>::ref cbi;
That is, cbi
is a callback, that should be called with one argument of type
By convention, tcpconnect
will call cb
internally after it has
completed its computation, with an integer representing its return value. In
general, say that we have variables a,b,c
of types A,B,C
, respectively.
Then, code of the form:
Will compile to a callback of the form:
callback<void, A, B, C>::ref
That is, a callback that must be called with three variables, the first of type
, the second of type B
, and the third of type C
. To accomplish the
generation of such a callback, tame will first generate a function with a
signature like:
void anonymous_callback_1 (A,B,C);
And tame will then substitute mkevent(a,b,c)
with wrap (anonymous_callback_1)
Returning to our example, the syntax mkevent(fd)
also tells tame that when
finally returns via 'cbi cb
', to stick that integer result into
the local variable 'int fd
' in the function try_connect.
Under the hood,
the logic of the auto-genreated callback is simply to load the parameters
passed to it into the object that contains the tamed function's stack. This
gives the illusion of directly setting a stack variable without switching to a
different function call (such as the callback).
The next example
ex2.T is slightly
more involved but does not require any new syntax or constructs. It starts to
get at the convenience that tame can provide libasync
programmers. Note
that this example uses an RPC protocol
has a corresponding RPC
all of which can be found in the sfslite CVS distribution under
As a quick libasync
refresher, the object involved with making asynchronous
RPC calls is called an aclnt.
The most relevant method for the aclnt
object is the aclnt::call
function, whose signature for our purposes is:
callbase *call (u_int32_t procno, const void *in, void *out, aclnt_cb);
Note there are optional arguments that have been omitted for clarity. The
first argument to call()
is the RPC procedure number that will be called,
which is often represented by an enumerated value in C/C++ code. The next two
arguments to call()
tell it where to find the argument to the RPC call, and
where it should put the response when the RPC completes. Note that the out
argument needs to be dynamically allocated and persist past the scope of the
caller, since it will be set arbitrarily long in the future (accounting for
network delay and so on). The final argument is the callback to call once the
RPC completes. aclnt_cb
is given by: typedef callback<void,
clnt_stat>::ref aclnt_cb; ``` The
type is the standard RPC
enumerated type for reporting the status code of an RPC call. Thus, `aclnt_cb`
is a callback that expects to be called with one argument, of type `clnt_stat`,
that will report how the RPC fared --- did it succeed, did it timeout, was it
rejected due to a protocol mismatch, etc.
The code below makes several RPCs in a parallel; this idiom is common in asynchronous network code.
#include "tame.h"
#include "parseopt.h"
#include "ex_prot.h"
tamed static void
try_rpc (str h, int port, cbb cb)
tvars {
bool ret (false);
int fd, r1;
// standard libasync class that wraps a TCP connection
ptr<axprt_stream> x;
// standard libasync class for an anonymous RPC client
ptr<aclnt> cli;
// the ex_* datatypes were generated from the input
// protocol file ex_prot.x, for demostration purposes.
// ex_str_t - an RPC string
// ext_struct_t - a simple RPC struct, with two fields
// of type ex_str_t and unsigned.
ex_str_t r2, a2;
ex_struct_t r3;
// standard RPC return codes, that will be set when our
// RPCs complete.
clnt_stat e1, e2, e3;
twait { tcpconnect (h, port, mkevent (fd)); }
if (fd < 0) {
warn ("%s:%d: connection failed: %m\n", h.cstr(), port);
} else {
// great, we have a working TCP connection; now, simply
// wrap it in a libasync object, so we can send and
// receive RPCs over it
x = axprt_stream::alloc (fd);
// Given the TCP connection x, make an RPC client that
// will speak the protocol declared in the file ex_prot.x
cli = aclnt::alloc (x, ex_prog_1);
// load in values into RPC arguments
a2 = "go hang a salami i'm a lasagna hog";
twait {
// EX_RANDOM, EX_REVERSE and EX_STRUCT are RPC procedure
// numbers, defined automatically by the RPC compiler.
cli->call (EX_RANDOM, NULL, &r1, mkevent(e1));
cli->call (EX_REVERSE, &a2, &r2, mkevent(e2));
cli->call (EX_STRUCT, NULL, &r3, mkevent(e3));
if (e1 || e2 || e3) {
warn << "at least 1 RPC failed!\n";
} else {
warn << "the results are in:\n"
<< "\trandom # = " << r1 << "\n"
<< "\treversed string = " << r2 << "\n"
<< "\tstuct = { s = " << r3.s << "; u = " << r3.u << " }\n";
ret = true;
static void finish (bool rc)
exit (rc ? 0 : -1);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int port;
if (argc != 3 || !convertint (argv[2], &port))
fatal << "usage: ex2 <hostname> <port>\n";
try_rpc (argv[1], port, wrap (finish));
amain ();
The thing to note here is that after tcpconnect
returns successfully via the
mechanism discussed above, a volley of 3 RPCS are launched in parallel.
When the last RPC returns, control picks up right after the corresponding
block. Also, the new function try_rpc
does not call exit directly;
rather, it returns
to the caller via the continuation cbb cb
passed into
the function.
A major complaint about event programming is that it destroys intuitive control
flow constructs, such as while
loops. The next example
shows how tame helps programmers keep their loops:
#include "tame.h"
#include "parseopt.h"
#include "ex_prot.h"
tamed static void
try_rpc (str h, int port, cbb cb)
tvars {
bool ret (false);
int fd, n (5), i;
ptr<axprt_stream> x;
ptr<aclnt> cli;
vec<int> rv;
vec<clnt_stat> status_codes;
twait { tcpconnect (h, port, mkevent(fd)); }
if (fd < 0) {
warn ("%s:%d: connection failed: %m\n", h.cstr(), port);
} else {
x = axprt_stream::alloc (fd);
cli = aclnt::alloc (x, ex2_prog_1);
status_codes.setsize (n);
rv.setsize (n);
twait {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cli->call (EX_RANDOM, NULL, &rv[i], mkevent(status_codes[i]) );
ret = true;
// check for n-fold success as usual
for (i = 0 ; i < n; i++) {
if (status_codes[i]) {
warn << "A failure: " << status_codes[i] << "\n";
ret = false;
} else {
warn << "Result " << i << ": " << status_codes[i] << "\n";
(*cb) (ret);
static void finish (bool rc)
exit (rc ? 0 : -1);
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
int port;
if (argc != 3 || !convertint (argv[2], &port))
fatal << "usage: ex2 <hostname> <port>\n";
try_rpc (argv[1], port, wrap (finish));
amain ();
This example is slighlty more involved than the previous example because the results from the RPC calls must be put into different vector slots. However, the tame syntax remains the same.
A really cool result of tame is that parallel constructs (like the one above) are very similar syntactically to serial constructs. Recalls that the core of the above example was the following code, which launches a volley of RPCS in parallel:
twait {
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cli->call (EX_RANDOM, NULL, &rv[i], mkevent(status_codes[i]) );
Let's say that for whatever reason, we now wanted this code to execute in
serial: one RPC launches only after the previous finishes. Then, all we have to
do is swith the order of the twait
and for
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
twait {
cli->call (EX_RANDOM, NULL, &rv[i], mkevent(status_codes[i]) );
void my_existing_function (int i callback<void, ptr<int>, bool>::ref cb)
(*cb) (New refcounted<int> (i+2), false);
tamed void foo_func ()
tvars {
ptr<int> ip;
bool b;
twait { my_existing_function (1, mkevnt(ip, b)); }
Using classes, and setting class members with 'mkevent(..)' is exactly the same as dealing with stack variables:
static void
my_existing_function2 (int i, callback<void, ptr<int> >::ref cb)
(*cb) (New refcounted<int> (i+4));
class my_class_t {
void my_method (int i, CLOSURE);
ptr<int> k;
tamed void my_class_t::my_method (int i)
tvars { ptr<int> j; }
twait {
my_existing_function2 (i, mkevent(j)); /* exactly as before */
my_existing_function2 (i, mkevent(k));
In this example, we are making two calls to the same asynchronous function,
. In the first case, we ask for the callback to put its
result into the stack variable j
. In the second case, we ask for the
callback to put its result into this->k
. Note that tame will work with
private members.
The twait{..}
mechanism just discussed should be sufficient for a large
percentage of control flow in asynchronous networked applications. It provides
an intuitive decomposition of a program into parallel and serial components.
The parallel components are dispatched from within a twait{...}
block. Each
component dispatched is a serial component, which may, in turn, contain
parallel components. In other words, functions that return via
continuation-passing style are the serial components in this model. To make a
new unit of serialized computation, one need declare a new function (or class
method). Such a program decomposition seems consistent with intuition. By
contrast, in manual event-driven programming, functions lose their intuitive
correspondence to a program's design, since separate functions are often need
to embody "the second half of a computation, after the blocking call."
Though the twait {...}
style of programming is simple and sufficient for many
applications, other situations demand more complicated control flow, which
tame can accommodate:
When programming Web applications, or other distributed systems, I often find myself "RPC Windowing." That is, I have 1,000 RPCs to make but want to be polite and not blast them all at once. So the obvious solution is to set a window (like 5) and commit to having at most that many RPCs outstanding at a given time.
At first I thought this sort of thing was possible just given the primitives
already described, but there is a deep problem. In RPC windowing, when each
RPC returns to the caller, a new RPC must be launched. However, with
as decribed above, control only returns after all RPCs have
To accomplish tasks with more involved control flow (such as RPC Windowing) a more expressive mechanism is required.
This example demonstrates the easiest way to pipeline outgoing RPCs: (pipeline3.T):
#include "async.h"
#include "tame.h"
#include "tame_pipeline3.h"
using namespace pipeline3;
tamed static void
action (size_t i, evi_t ev)
tvars {
time_t d;
d = rand () % 10;
warn << "delay: " << i << " -> " << d << "\n";
twait { delaycb (d, 0, mkevent ()); }
ev->trigger (d);
tamed static void
main_T ()
tvars {
vec<int> slots;
// initialize a pipeline controller which will execute up to 10 blocking
// actions in parallel, and ensure there is a minimum of a 50 microsecond
// delay between consecutive action launches
// holdvar allows you to add a variable to a tvars block without using it
// later in the function and not trigger a compile warning
holdvar ptr<passive_control_t> c (passive_control_t::alloc (10, 50));
runner_t r (c);
size_t n (40);
size_t i;
srand (time (NULL) ^ getpid ());
slots.setsize (n);
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
// this returns immediately unless there are already 10 actions
// outstanding, or it's been < 50 usec since the last launch
// it'll block until an action finishes, or until the launch delay
// time has passed
twait { r.queue_for_takeoff (mkevent ()); }
// this runs action and inserts its result into slots[i]
action (i, r.mkev (slots[i]));
// harvest any outstanding actions
twait { r.flush (mkevent ()); }
// at this point we're guaranteed that all 40 actions have finished execution
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
warn << "reported delay: " << i << " -> " << slots[i] << "\n";
exit (0);
main (int argc, char *argv[])
setprogname (argv[0]);
main_T ();
amain ();
If you're curious, Rendezvous Windowing is an alternative windowing method that is more complex, but also more expressive.
Another example that comes to mind is to make a equivalent request of N
replicas, and to continue the computation only with the first to respond. Such
a policy is easily implemented with twait
tamed static
void connect (vec<str> hosts, int port, cbi done)
tvars {
u_int i;
ptr<int> fd;
rendezvous_t<u_int, ptr<int> > rv;
bool got_one (false);
for (i = 0; i < hosts.size (); i++) {
fd = New refcounted<int>();
tcpconnect (hosts[i], port, mkevent (rv,i,fd, *fd));
while (rv.n_triggers_left ()) {
twait(rv, i, fd);
warn << hosts[i] << ":" << port << ": ";
if (*fd >= 0) {
warnx << "connection succeeded";
if (!got_one) {
(*done) (*fd);
got_one = true;
} else {
warnx << "... but too late!";
close (*fd);
warnx << "\n";
} else {
warnx << "connection failed\n";
if (!got_one)
(*done) (-1);
This code is part of a larger example (ex7.T) that given N different hostnames, does parallel DNS lookup and TCP session establishments. Whichever host is ready to go first is kept, and the others are closed. Then, a Web request is issued, read, and dumped to standard output.
In my short experience using tame, I've done most of my work with the more
straightforward twait {...}
construct, and I think that most people will have
the same experience. For this reason, tame implements twait {...}
as a
primitive, and not in terms of more expressive twait();
construct. The real
advantage to twait {..}
as a primitive is that the code that tame emits is
much simpler for twait{..}
, and therefore, programmers will find this code
easier to debug.
However, as an exercise, one is easily implemented in terms of the other. The following input code:
twait {
/* blocking code */
/* code after the block */
Is equivalent to:
tvars {
rendezvous_t<> __fresh_rv;
/* blocking code, in which all callbacks mkevent(a,b,c) are
* rewritten as mkevent(__fresh_rv,a,b,c)
while (__fresh_rv.n_triggers_left ()) {
twait (__fresh_rv);
/* code after the block */
An example to test this is ex3b which does the same this as ex3.