OpenSkedge 1.x Shortcomings - OfficeStack/OpenSkedge GitHub Wiki

Only supports availability-based scheduling

OpenSkedge 1.x was designed for availability-based scheduling. If your desired scheduling paradigm does not fit this, OpenSkedge 1.x will not do you any favors, and unfortunately your use-case is unsupported.

OpenSkedge 2.x is being designed to support multiple scheduling paradigms.

Confusing data model

The data model used in OpenSkedge 1.x for storing availability and schedule data within the database is derived from Employee Scheduler and was originally chosen with the intention of supporting quick migration from that system. However, storing such data as bitstrings, while very fast, is unfriendly, difficult to test, and rigid.

This is a major reason behind OpenSkedge 2.0, which will abandon this legacy data model for a DateTime-based one, which is much simpler to test and query against, will allow increased developer productivity and faster iteration, and allow for more code reuse and easier integration.

Poor responsiveness/mobile support

While OpenSkedge 1.x utilizes Bootstrap 2.3.2 with responsive utilities, responsiveness was not fine-tuned and is lacking in a number of areas.

Confusing interface

Much of the interface is simply a replication of identical functionality from Employee Scheduler, so little thought went into much of the design of the interface in OpenSkedge 1.x.

OpenSkedge 2.x will address these issues with a redesigned interface.