Helping Out - OfficeStack/OpenSkedge GitHub Wiki
OpenSkedge is beginning to grow. There are a large number of things that still need to be implemented. Unfortunately, I am but one man and cannot work as quickly as a team or someone who works full-time. Thus, I'm always looking for help. It's real easy to get involved! Simply check the issue tracker for an issue that you'd like to undertake, make your changes, and submit a Pull Request. Myself and any other interested parties may comment on your changes and suggest certain tweaks before it's merged into the master branch.
I'm actively looking for potential contributors such as:
- PHP developers, particularly those with Symfony2 & Doctrine experience
- Frontend developers and designers, particularly those gifted with jQuery who would like to help improve the UI/UX (such as reducing the number of clicks to get to certain things).
- Managers and other end users. I want to know how you want an employee scheduling software to work. Suggest features and other improvements by submitting issues in the issue tracker marked as feature requests or enhancements.
Branching convention
When contributing, please observe the following branch naming conventions
If working on a feature or enhancement, do the following:
git branch master feature/my-super-cool-new-feature
If working on a bugfix for a documented issue, do the following:
git branch master bugfix/issue-99
Obviously, replace 99 with the actual issue number