Cost estimates - OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-apps-timetally GitHub Wiki


The estimate below assumes:

  • 10000 users in the tenant.
  • 1000 users out of 10000 are managers

SKU recommendations

The recommended SKUs for a production environment are:

  • App Service: Standard (S1)
  • Azure SQL Database: S1 (20 DTUs, 250 GB included storage per DB, 1 Database(s) x 744 Hours, 5 GB Retention)

Estimated load

Data storage: up to 250 GB usage of Azure SQL Database.

Storage data operations (monthly):

  • End-user saves and submits timesheet once daily
  • Read calls for viewing timesheet = 10,000 * 1 call to Timesheet table * 22 days/month = 22,000 read calls per month
  • Write calls for submitting/saving timesheet = 10,000 * 1 call to Timesheet table * 22 days/month = 22,000 write calls per month
  • Manager creates/updates 5 projects per month. Each project consists 5 tasks.
  • Write calls for project and task creation = (1,000 managers * 5 projects) + (1,000 managers * 5 tasks) = 10,000 write calls per month
  • Manager approves 1,000 requests daily
  • Read calls for approving requests = 1,000 requests * 22 days/month = 22,000 read calls per month
  • Write calls for approving requests = 1,000 requests * 22 days/month = 22,000 write calls per month
  • Total read calls = 22,000 + 22,000 = 44,000 read calls per month
  • Total write calls = 22,000 + 10,000 + 22,000 = 54,000 write calls per month
  • Total storage calls = 44,000 + 54,000 = 98,000 calls per month

Estimated cost

IMPORTANT: This is only an estimate, based on the assumptions above. Your actual costs may vary.

Prices were taken from the Pricing on 12 Mar 2021, for the West US 2 region.

Use the Azure Pricing Calculator to model different service tiers and usage patterns.

Resource Tier Load Monthly price
Bot Channels Registration F0 N/A Free
App Service plan S1 744 hours $74.40
Application Insights (Bot) (free up to 5 GB)
Azure SQL Database S1 (20 DTUs, 250 GB included storage per DB, 1 Database(s) x 744 Hours, 5 GB Retention $30.00
Key vault 10000 operations = $0.03
Total $104.43