Data stores - OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-apps-requestateam GitHub Wiki
Request-a-team App uses a PowerShell script which creates all the SharePoint lists and columns associated with it.
Following are data stores:
Teams Requests
Teams Requests list stores the details of all requests for creating teams by users.
Name of Column | Type | Comment |
Team Name | Single line of text | Team name |
Team Description | Multiple lines of text | Description related to team |
Business Justification | Multiple lines of text | Business justification for creating the team |
Owners | Person or Group | Owners of the team |
Members | Person or Group | Members of the team |
Visibility | Choice | Choose whether the team should be public or private |
Team Purpose and Content | Multiple lines of text | Purpose of the team and content |
Status | Choice | Current status of the team request,i.e, whether the team has been created or rejected or approval is pending etc. |
Team Alias | Single line of text | Alias of the team |
Confidential Data | Yes/No | Whether the team contains confidential data or not |
Template Id | Single line of text | Template id of the chosen template for creating a team |
Comments | Multiple lines of text | Reason for approving or rejecting a team |
Stage | Choice | Upto which step the creation of the team is completed |
Classification | Single line of text | Whether the creation of the team is general or confidential or highly confidential |
Team URL | Single line of text | URL of the team |
Template Title | Single line of text | Template style for creation of team |
Status Reason | Single line of text | Reason for the current status of team |
Approved Date | Date and time | DateTime stamp when the request is approved |
SharePoint Site URL | Single line of text | SharePoint site URL of the team |
First Party Template | Yes/No | First Party Template value of selected template |
RowKey | Single line of text | Unique GUID for each requested team |
Teams Templates
Teams Templates list stores the details of all templates used for creating teams.
Name of Column | Type | Comment |
Title | Single line of text | Name of the template |
Base Template Type | Single line of text | Type of the template |
Base Template Id | Single line of text | Id of the template (out of the box Microsoft Team Templates only) |
Team Id | Single line of text | Id of the team you wish to use as a template |
Description | Multiple lines of text | Template description |
First Party Template | Yes/No | Defines whether the template is an out of the box Microsoft Team Template - set to 'Yes'. Otherwise should be set to 'No' for your own templates. |
Team Visibility | Single line of text | Allows you to override the visibility for this template, this will take precendence over the visibility value that the requester provides) |
Team Request Settings
Team Request Settings list stores the details needed for application to run.
Name of Column | Type | Comment |
Title | Single line of text | Name of settings which will be created and populated by PowerShell script during deployment of the app like TenantURL, SiteClassifications, TeamsTeamID, TeamsChannelID,CustomBlockedWords etc. |
Description | Multiple lines of text | Description of the respective setting names |
Value | Single line of text | Value of the respective setting names(HideSiteClassifications,SPOManagedPath,TenantURL will be populated by PowerShell script while deploying application). |
BlockedWordsValue | Multiple lines of text | Blocked words for Office 365 Groups |
Office 365 Users is the Office 365 connector which provides signed in user's information. The attributes which we are using in this app are:
Email id: Email id of signed in user
Name: Display name of user
Check Site Availability: Checks the availability of the URL behind the requested Team (triggered by the Power App).
Team Request Approval: Routes requests for approval.
Logic app: Provisions requested Teams.