Data stores - OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-apps-growyourskills GitHub Wiki
The app uses the following data stores:
All these resources are created in your Azure subscription. None are hosted directly by Microsoft.
- Azure Table Storage
- [AcquiredSkillEntity] to store skills added by owner of project.
- [ProjectEntity] to store project related details.
- [TeamSkillEntity] to store tags information configured for different teams.
- [UserMembershipEntity] to store user team membership data for further validating the user's identity.
Storage account tables
1. AcquiredSkillEntity
The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
UserId | Azure Active Directory Id of user. |
ProjectId | Unique identifier for each created project. |
CreatedDate | Date time when participant acquired the skills. |
AcquiredSkills | Semicolon separated list of skills acquired by participant. |
Feedback | Feedback given by project owner to a participant. |
ProjectTitle | Project title. |
ProjectOwnerName | Name of user who created the project. |
ProjectClosedDate | Date time when project is closed. |
2. ProjectEntity
The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
PartitionKey | Azure Active Directory Id of user. |
RowKey | Post Id (GUID) – unique identifier for each created post. |
Status | Project status like Active/New. |
Title | Project title. |
Description | Project description. |
SupportedDocumentLinks | URL's of the supported documents. |
RequiredSkills | Semicolon separated skills entered by owner. |
StartDate | Start date time of project. |
EndDate | End date time of project. |
CreatedDate | Date time when project is created. |
CreatedByName | Name of user who created the project. |
UpdatedDate | Date time when project is updated. |
UserId | Azure Active Directory id of user who created the project. |
TeamSize | Team size of a project |
IsRemoved | Value indicating whether the project is deleted or not. |
3. TeamSkillEntity
The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
PartitionKey | Team Id where bot is installed. |
RowKey | Team Id where bot is installed. |
TeamId | Unique value for each Team where skills has configured. |
UserAadId | Azure Active Directory id of user who configured the skills in team. |
Skills | Semicolon separated skills selected by user. |
CreatedByName | User name who configured skills in team. |
BotInstalledOn | Date time when the application is installed. |
4. UserMembershipEntity
The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
PartitionKey | User's Azure Active Directory Id. |
RowKey | User's Azure Active Directory Id. |
UserAadObjectId | User's Azure Active Directory Id |
UserConversationId | User's Conversation Id. |
ServiceUrl | Service Url. |
5. TeamConfiguration
The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
PartitionKey | Team Id where bot is installed. |
RowKey | Team Id where bot is installed. |
BotInstalledOn | Date when bot was installed in Team. |
ServiceUrl | Service Url. |
TeamId | Team Id where bot is installed. |