Cost estimates - OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-apps-growyourskills GitHub Wiki


The estimate below assumes:

  • Tenant has 1 team containing 100 users.

SKU recommendations

The recommended SKU for a production environment is:

  • App Service: Standard (S1)
  • Azure Search: Basic
    • The Azure Search service cannot be upgraded once it is provisioned, so select a tier that will meet your anticipated needs.

Estimated load

Data storage: up to 1 GB usage of azure table storage.

Table data operations (monthly):

  • User adds/updates/deletes/joins/close 10 projects per day

  • Total write calls = 100 users * 10 projects * 30 days = 30,000

  • User views 20 projects per day

  • Total read calls = 100 users * 20 projects * 30 days = 60,000

    • Azure Search service reads data for indexing
      • For instantly reflecting data in Azure Search service, indexer is triggered manually whenever change happens to database
  • Total storage calls = 30,000 + 60,000 = 90,000

Estimated cost

IMPORTANT: This is only an estimate, based on the assumptions above. Your actual costs may vary.

Prices were taken from the Pricing on 30 June 2020, for the West US 2 region.

Use the Azure Pricing Calculator to model different service tiers and usage patterns.

Resource Tier Load Monthly price
Bot Channels Registration F0 N/A Free
App Service Plan S1 744 hours $74.40
App Service (Messaging Extension) - (charged to App Service Plan)
Azure Search B $75.14
Application Insights (Bot) (free up to 5 GB)
Storage account (Table) Standard_LRS < 1GB data & 182,004 operations $0.05 + $0.01 = $0.06
Total $149.6