Data stores - OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-apps-greatideas GitHub Wiki

The app uses the following data stores:

All these resources are created in your Azure subscription. None are hosted directly by Microsoft.

  • Azure Storage Account
    • [CategoryEntity] to store category created by authors.
    • [TeamCategoryEntity] to store team categories details.
    • [TeamEntity] to store team related data.
    • [TeamIdeaEntity] to store team idea details.
    • [TeamPreferenceEntity] to store preference details for different teams to send digest notification Monthly/Weekly.
    • [TeamTagEntity] to store tag details.
    • [UserVoteEntity] to store user like/vote details.

Storage account tables

1. CategoryEntity The table has following rows:

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey A constant value "Category".
RowKey Unique identifier(GUID) for each category [CategoryId].
TimeStamp Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure).
CategoryId Unique identifier(GUID) for each category.
CategoryName Name of the category [Max characters: 150].
CategoryDescription Description of the category [Max characters: 300].
CreatedByUserId User aad object id who created the category.
ModifiedByUserId User aad object id who modified the category.
CreatedOn UTC Date and time at which category is created.

2. TeamCategoryEntity The table has following rows:

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey A constant value "TeamCategoryEntity".
RowKey Unique value for each team where categories are configured [TeamId].
TimeStamp Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure).
TeamId Unique value for each team where categories are configured.
Categories Semicolon separated category ids selected by user.
CreatedDate UTC Date and time at which team category is created.
CreatedByName User name who configured categories in team.
UserAadId User aad object id who created the team category.

3. TeamEntity The table has following rows:

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey Team id where application is installed [TeamId].
RowKey Team id where application is installed [TeamId].
TimeStamp Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure).
BotInstalledOn UTC date and time when the application is installed.
ServiceUrl Service endpoint where operations concerning the referenced conversation.

4. TeamIdeaEntity The table has following rows:

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey A constant value "TeamIdeaEntity".
RowKey Unique identifier(GUID) for each created idea.
TimeStamp Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure).
IdeaId Unique identifier(GUID) for each created idea.
Title Title of the idea [Max characters: 200]
Description User entered post description value [Max characters: 500].
Category User selected idea category value.
CategoryId User selected idea category id.
Tags Semicolon separated tags entered by user.
CreatedDate UTC date and time when the idea is submitted/created.
CreatedByName Author name who created idea.
UpdatedDate UTC date and time when the idea is updated.
CreatedByObjectId User aad object id of the author who created the idea.
CreatedByUserPrincipleName User principle name(email id) of author who created the idea.
TotalVotes Total number of likes received for a idea from users.
DocumentLinks Supporting document links for idea in json format.
ApproverOrRejecterUserId User aad object id of user who has approved or rejected the idea.
Status Status of idea. Integer value. 0 = Pending / 1 = Approved / 2 = Rejected.
Feedback Feedback comment if admin has rejected idea request.

5. TeamPreferenceEntity The table has following rows:

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey A constant value "TeamPreferenceEntity".
RowKey Unique value for each team where preference has configured [TeamId].
TimeStamp Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure).
TeamId Unique value for each team where preference has configured.
DigestFrequency User selected value for digest frequency i.e. Monthly/Weekly.
Tags Semicolon separated tags selected by user.
Categories Semicolon separated tags selected by user.
CreatedDate UTC date and time when entry is created.
UpdatedDate UTC date and time when entry is created.
PreferenceId Unique identifier(GUID) for each Team preference.
UpdatedByName User name who updated the configured preference.
UpdatedByObjectId User aad object id of user who updated the configured preference.

6. TeamTagEntity The table has following rows:

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey A constant value "TeamTagEntity".
RowKey Unique value for each team where tags has configured [TeamId].
TimeStamp Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure).
TeamId Unique value for each team where tags has configured.
Tags Semicolon separated tags selected by user.
CreatedDate UTC date and time when entry is created.
CreatedByName User name who configured tags in team.
UserAadId User aad object id of user who configured the tags in team.

7. UserVoteEntity The table has following rows:

Attribute Comment
PartitionKey User aad object id of the user [UserId].
RowKey Unique identifier(GUID) for each created post [PostId].
TimeStamp Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure).
UserId User aad object id of the user.
PostId Unique identifier(GUID) for each created post.