Data stores - OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-apps-greatideas GitHub Wiki
The app uses the following data stores:
All these resources are created in your Azure subscription. None are hosted directly by Microsoft.
- Azure Storage Account
- [CategoryEntity] to store category created by authors.
- [TeamCategoryEntity] to store team categories details.
- [TeamEntity] to store team related data.
- [TeamIdeaEntity] to store team idea details.
- [TeamPreferenceEntity] to store preference details for different teams to send digest notification Monthly/Weekly.
- [TeamTagEntity] to store tag details.
- [UserVoteEntity] to store user like/vote details.
Storage account tables
1. CategoryEntity The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
PartitionKey | A constant value "Category". |
RowKey | Unique identifier(GUID) for each category [CategoryId]. |
TimeStamp | Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure). |
CategoryId | Unique identifier(GUID) for each category. |
CategoryName | Name of the category [Max characters: 150]. |
CategoryDescription | Description of the category [Max characters: 300]. |
CreatedByUserId | User aad object id who created the category. |
ModifiedByUserId | User aad object id who modified the category. |
CreatedOn | UTC Date and time at which category is created. |
2. TeamCategoryEntity The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
PartitionKey | A constant value "TeamCategoryEntity". |
RowKey | Unique value for each team where categories are configured [TeamId]. |
TimeStamp | Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure). |
TeamId | Unique value for each team where categories are configured. |
Categories | Semicolon separated category ids selected by user. |
CreatedDate | UTC Date and time at which team category is created. |
CreatedByName | User name who configured categories in team. |
UserAadId | User aad object id who created the team category. |
3. TeamEntity The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
PartitionKey | Team id where application is installed [TeamId]. |
RowKey | Team id where application is installed [TeamId]. |
TimeStamp | Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure). |
BotInstalledOn | UTC date and time when the application is installed. |
ServiceUrl | Service endpoint where operations concerning the referenced conversation. |
4. TeamIdeaEntity The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
PartitionKey | A constant value "TeamIdeaEntity". |
RowKey | Unique identifier(GUID) for each created idea. |
TimeStamp | Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure). |
IdeaId | Unique identifier(GUID) for each created idea. |
Title | Title of the idea [Max characters: 200] |
Description | User entered post description value [Max characters: 500]. |
Category | User selected idea category value. |
CategoryId | User selected idea category id. |
Tags | Semicolon separated tags entered by user. |
CreatedDate | UTC date and time when the idea is submitted/created. |
CreatedByName | Author name who created idea. |
UpdatedDate | UTC date and time when the idea is updated. |
CreatedByObjectId | User aad object id of the author who created the idea. |
CreatedByUserPrincipleName | User principle name(email id) of author who created the idea. |
TotalVotes | Total number of likes received for a idea from users. |
DocumentLinks | Supporting document links for idea in json format. |
ApproverOrRejecterUserId | User aad object id of user who has approved or rejected the idea. |
Status | Status of idea. Integer value. 0 = Pending / 1 = Approved / 2 = Rejected. |
Feedback | Feedback comment if admin has rejected idea request. |
5. TeamPreferenceEntity The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
PartitionKey | A constant value "TeamPreferenceEntity". |
RowKey | Unique value for each team where preference has configured [TeamId]. |
TimeStamp | Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure). |
TeamId | Unique value for each team where preference has configured. |
DigestFrequency | User selected value for digest frequency i.e. Monthly/Weekly. |
Tags | Semicolon separated tags selected by user. |
Categories | Semicolon separated tags selected by user. |
CreatedDate | UTC date and time when entry is created. |
UpdatedDate | UTC date and time when entry is created. |
PreferenceId | Unique identifier(GUID) for each Team preference. |
UpdatedByName | User name who updated the configured preference. |
UpdatedByObjectId | User aad object id of user who updated the configured preference. |
6. TeamTagEntity The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
PartitionKey | A constant value "TeamTagEntity". |
RowKey | Unique value for each team where tags has configured [TeamId]. |
TimeStamp | Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure). |
TeamId | Unique value for each team where tags has configured. |
Tags | Semicolon separated tags selected by user. |
CreatedDate | UTC date and time when entry is created. |
CreatedByName | User name who configured tags in team. |
UserAadId | User aad object id of user who configured the tags in team. |
7. UserVoteEntity The table has following rows:
Attribute | Comment |
PartitionKey | User aad object id of the user [UserId]. |
RowKey | Unique identifier(GUID) for each created post [PostId]. |
TimeStamp | Timestamp of actual record insertion (Done by Azure). |
UserId | User aad object id of the user. |
PostId | Unique identifier(GUID) for each created post. |