Data stores - OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-apps-classroom-dropin GitHub Wiki

Data stores

The app uses the following data stores:

SharePoint Lists

  1. Schools : This list stores name of all the schools.
Name of Column Type Comment
School Single line of text Name of school
  1. Teams : This list stores details of all the classes/teams present under different schools.
Name of Column Type Comment
Title Single line of text Name of team/Class
TeamID Single line of text Team Id
School Lookup School name fetched from 'Schools' list
Teacher Person or group Name of teacher
  1. Permissions : This list stores details of logged-in user that is performing the setup.
Name of Column Type Comment
Title Single line of text Sample text
User Person or group Admin/Teacher name
School Lookup School name fetched from 'Schools' list
IsAdmin Yes/No Flag to check user is Admin or not
CanDropInOther Yes/No Flag to check whether user can drop in others or not


  • Title field is not used but requires information. It can be bogus text for all this solution cares.
  • Add your logged-in user that is performing the setup to the 'Permissions' list and set IsAdmin to True. More users can be added at a later time.
  1. Active : This list stores all the active drop-ins.
Name of Column Type Comment
Title Single line of text Auto-generated GUID
TeamName Single line of text Name of admin/teacher
TeamID Single line of text ID of the team in which user is dropped in
RequestedBy Person or group User or admin who requests the drop in
DropInUser Person or group User who is going to be dropped in
Expiration Date and Time Expiration time for drop in
TeamsOriginalID Single line of text ID of the team in which user is dropped in
TeamUrl Single line of text Url of the team in which user is dropped in
StartTime Date and Time Start time for drop in
ExtensionComments Multiple lines of text Comment added by admin during extension of drop in
IsOwner Yes/No Flag to check whether user is added as owner or member
  1. Log : This list stores activities of drop-ins i.e start/end/extend/cancel etc.
Name of Column Type Comment
Title Single line of text Auto-generated GUID
TeamName Single line of text Name of admin/teacher
TeamID Single line of text ID of the team in which user is dropped in
Expiration Date and Time Expiration time for drop in
Action Choice Type of action performed e.g Start/Extend/Cancel/Error/End
ErrorDetails Multiple lines of text Error details for which flow got failed
RequestedBYUPN Single line of text UPN of user or admin who requests the drop in
DropInUserUPN Single line of text
  1. Timeslot : This list stores configurable time-slots.
Name of Column Type Comment
Title Single line of text Time period for which user needs to be dropped in e.g. 1 hour/ 2 hours/ 3 hours/ Custom