Change log - OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-apps-buildingaccess GitHub Wiki

To support the current updates. Please manually add the following columns to the existing SharePoint lists:-

  1. BAR_Requests list
Column Name Type
TimeSlot Single Line of Text
IsSlotBooked Yes/No
IsRequired Yes/No
  1. BAR_AppSettings list
Column Name Type
SelectAlternateApprover Yes/No
  1. BAR_Buildings list
Column Name Type
DefaultApproverEmailId Single Line of Text

Please manually add the following SharePoint List:-

  1. BAR_TimeSlots list
Column Name Type
Title Single Line of Text

Building Admin App

  1. A building specific approver can now be added for each building. Based on request from retail customers where they needed store specific approver that wasn't a direct manager. This is in addition to the direct manager approver functionality provided in v1.
  2. User can also pick any alternate approver while submitting the request. Organizations can turn off this ability in the admin app.
  3. Ability to configure timeslots as per preference (out of the box ships with Morning and Evening timeslots for reservation and the Admin app allows a max of 24 timeslots per day so you can get provide hourly reservations if needed)

Building Access App

  1. Users can select a range of dates while submitting a building access request.
  2. Users can request access for a particular time slot in the day rather than requesting access for the entire day.
  3. Users can select an alternate person as the approver before submitting the access request (assuming the feature is turned on in the admin settings)
  4. A calendar entry will be created for the user once the request is approved. This will include the access request details.
  5. Users will need to re-attest the health question responses at the time of check in for unmonitored (unrestricted access) buildings.

Building Security App

  1. Security personnel will need to re-attest the health question responses on the requestor's behalf at the time of checking in the requestor for monitored (restricted access) buildings.
  2. Home page metrics can now be broken down slot wise

BARNotifyApprover Power Automate

  1. Name of the time slot added for Adaptive Cards.

BARCalenderReservation Power Automate

This is a new flow that needs to be created. The flow is used to create Calendar reservation for requested dates in Outlook Calendar.

Translations file

Please manually add the following columns to the existing translations file. We have included the values for each of these columns for the default locale. Please add a new row with values for each unique language translation.

  1. Add a new tab and name it 'UserNew' and add the following columns to it.
Column Name Value
Locale en-US
IsSupported TRUE
NewRequestHeaderText Create new request
DaysLbl day(s)
StartDate Start date
AppDescriptiveText Use this app to request access to a building within your organization
FullDayLbl Full day
SaveAndNextBtn Save and next
BuildingDetailsLbl Building details
RequestReasonHintText Type reason
EndDateLbl End date
FullDayLbl2 Full day
CheckAvailabilityBtn Check availability
SelectedDatenSpaceLbl Selected date & space
AlreadyReservedDatesLbl You have already reserved these dates
ApproverDetailsLbl Approver details
DefaultApproverLbl Approver details
NoDefaultApproverLbl The approver couldn't be identified. The request will be posted in the admin team channel for approval.
SpecifyDiffAppLbl Specify a different approver
SelectAltAppLbl Select alternate approver
SelectedBuildingsLbl Selected building:
BackBtnLbl Back
RequestSuccessMsg You have successfully created the request.
NewRequestBtnTxt New request
CheckInBtnTxt Check in
CheckOutBtnTxt Check out
WithDrawBtnTxt Withdraw
SeatsLbl Seats
TimeSlotNSpaceLbl Time slot and space:
TyepOfFaciltiyLbl Type of facility:
ChecKInStatusLbl Check-in status:
DenyBtnText Deny
ApproveBtnTxt Approve
RequestedByLbl Requested by:
RequestedForLbl Requested for:
NoOfSeatLbl No. of seats:
TimeSlotNSpaceLbl2 Time slot and space:
SubmittedOnLbl Submitted on:
SelectSpaceHintText Select space
RequestRejectedLbl Request rejected
RequestApprovedLbl Request approved
FindBuildingHintTxt Find building
SelectTimeSlotHintTxt Find time slot
SelectTimeSlotLbl Select time slot
PleaseAnsQueTxt Please answer all the questions.
YouCanResText You can reserve only
AdavanceDaysText days in advance at this time.
TimeSlotlbl Time slot
AutoApproved lbl Auto-approved
NotListedLbl Not listed
SelectBuildingHintlbl Start typing name of space
SelectAlternateApproverHintTxt Start typing a name
AlreadyReservedSpaceerrorMsglbl Selected space is not available for given days
TimeSlotErrorLbl Please choose no more than
FilterScreenHeader Filter
FilterStatus Status
BuildingNameTextLbl Building name:
SpaceAssignedLbl Space assigned:
TotalCapacityLbl Total capacity:
AutoApprovalThresholdLbl Auto-approval threshold:
  1. Add a new tab and name it 'AdminNew' and add the following columns to it.
Column Name Value
Locale en-US
Language English
IsSupported TRUE
SpaceNameLabel Name of space
SpaceCapacityLabel Capacity of space
TitleSPLabel Title
ContentSPLabel Content
CountrySPLabel Country
LinkSPLabel Link
TimeSlotUseDesc A min. of 2 time slots should exist and max. of 24 time slots can be created. You will not be able to delete a time slot if requests for the time slot exist.
NoTimeSlotAddedMsg No time-slot added yet
AddTimeSlotMsgLbl Click Add to add time-slots
BuildingSpecificApproverHinttext Start typing a name
CountryHintText Type country
AlternateApproverSettingskey Allow users to select alternate approver
ConfigureTimeSlotHintText Type a name
BuildingAddedSuccessMsg Building added successfully
ApproverLbl Approver
  1. Add the following values to the exisitng tab named 'Admin'
Column Name Value
Locale en-US
Language English
IsSupported TRUE
appDescLbl Customize and update your organization's Business Access app here.
welcomeLbl Welcome
headerText Building and spaces
addApproverSaveBtnTxt Save as draft
addApproverText Do you want to set a default approver for building?
addApproverChkboxTxt Check to select default approver
addApproverPublishBtn Publish
addSpacesEmptyMsg No space added yet
addSpaceClickAdd Tap "Add" to get started.
addSpacesBtn Add
addSpaceSaveBtn Save
addSpaceNextBtn Next
saveAndNextBtn Save and next
searchSpacesHint2 Search spaces
nameSpaceHintText Name the space
capacityHintText No. of seats
enterTitleHintText Type a title
descriptionHintText Type or paste your content
countryHintText Select country
urlHintText Add a link to an informational web page
searchkeyQueHintText Search key questions
typeQueHintText Type a question
TimeSlotLabel Time slot
configTimeSlotHeading Configure time slots
renameSlotSubHead Rename time slot
SpaceNameLabel Name of space
publishStatusMessage Building status has been saved as published
draftStatusMessage Building status has been saved as draft
settingSaveSuccessMessage Settings saved successfully
keyQuestionDraftMsg Eligibility question successfully drafted
keyQuestionPublishMsg Eligibility question successfully published
safetyPrecautionDraftMsg Safety precautions successfuly drafted
ResourceUrlLabel Link
spaceCapacityLabel Capacity of space
safetyPrecautionDraftMsg23 Safety precautions successfuly published