Data stores - OfficeDev/microsoft-teams-apps-attendance GitHub Wiki
Data Stores
Attendance app uses Office 365 connectors to get teacher and students information and uses SharePoint list to store these information along with their attendance records. Following are data stores:
SharePoint List
Attendance app keeps the track of attendance using following 2 SharePoint lists:
SessionMetaData stores the detail of session information in terms of Class name, timings and teacher email address. Every class conducted will be added as a new entry to uniquely identify lesson details.
Name of Column | Type | Comment |
Title | Single line of text | No need to create this column as it will be provided by default in SharePoint list. Unique value for each class conducted |
ClassId | Single line of text | Microsoft Teams Team id of class |
LessonDate | Date | Lesson date |
StartTime | Single line of text | Start time of class conducted |
EndTime | Single line of text | End time of class conducted |
ClassName | Single line of text | Name of class |
TeacherEmailAlias | Single line of text | Email alias of teacher |
StartTimeNumber | Number | Start time in number to calculate class conducted duration and comparison |
EndTimeNumber | Number | End time in number to calculate class conducted duration and comparison |
AttendanceRecord list stores the attendance record of each student. A new entry is added for each student per class to uniquely identify their status and teacher who took the attendance.
Name Of Column | Type | Comment |
Title | Single line of text | No need to create this column as it will be provided by default in SharePoint list. Unique id of each attendance taken for student |
LessonId | Single line of text | Unique id of lesson |
LessonDate | Date | Lesson date |
Attendance | Single line of text | Attendance for each student i.e. Present, Absent, Late or Excused |
StudentEmailId | Single line of text | Email id of student |
Notes | Single line of text | Note for each taken attendance |
AttendanceTakenBy | Single line of text | Name of teacher who took attendance |
ClassId | Single line of text | Microsoft Teams Team id of class |
StartTime | Single line of text | Start time of class conducted |
EndTime | Single line of text | End time of class conducted |
StudentName | Single line of text | Student name of the particular class |
ClassName | Single line of text | Name of the class |
Office365Users is the Office 365 connector which signed in user's following information:
- Email id: Email id of signed in user
- Name: Display name of user
- Jobtitle: Job title of signed in user (typically Teacher, Student, Principal, etc.)
Office365Groups is the Office 365 connector which provides Office 365 group information for signed in user:
- Group members: List of all members in Office 365 group (Team). Represents the list of students for class selected.
- Owner: List of owners in Office 365 group (Team). Represents the list of classes owned by teacher.