reading 02 - OddGarden/Ops201-Reading-Notes GitHub Wiki

Dev Tools:


Forking a repo:

A forked repo is a new repo that shares visibility and setting with the original "upstream" repo

A forked repo is useful for:

  • Fixing a bug & submitting a pull request to the original repo
  • Use someone's repo as a starting point for a project.

GitHub Flow

This are the steps to follow when collaborating with others on a single repo:

  • Create a repo
  • Create a branch
  • Commit and push changes from the branch
  • Create a pull request
  • Address any comments
  • Merge pull request
  • Delete Branch


The link above pulls up a 2 paged cheat sheet on how to use github

VS Code

All available commands can be located on the command pallette (shortcut: ⇧⌘P)

VS code has a cheat sheet for keyboard shortcuts that is linked here for easy access.

VS code and github can be linked together. This makes it easier for collaboration. In addtion, the terminal is available to vs code making it easier to perform dev work in one single application. The instructions on how to set this up is linked here.

Things I want to know more about

  • VS code offers the option to sync settings. Will these settings carry over from computer to computer (esp from mac to linux or mac to windows)