Argo Target - OceanOPS/helpdesk GitHub Wiki

OneArgo Targets

This page list the different implementation target of the OneArgo program.


There are 4 implementation indicators:


Activity measure the number of operational floats and normalize against the target.


Intensity measure the number of floats deployed annually and normalize it against the target. We consider life expectency of 5 years for full BGC and Deep fleet and 5.5 for all Argo fleet.


Density count the number of cells in the design appropriatly occupied by floats and normalize against the total number of cells in the design.


Coverage measures the success of the program by counting the number of cells that have been appropriately sampled and normalizing this value against the total number of cells in the design. For coverage, the target for OneArgo is set at 70%, rather than 100%, due to the variability in ocean dynamics. Given these dynamics, it is impossible to accurately sample every 3x3° cell in the design with the number of floats available.

OneArgo global targets:

  • Argo Core mission target

Activity = 4535 operational Argo floats - 1 float every 300km

Intensity = 824 floats deployed annually (considering life expectency of the full Argo flaat of 5.5 years)

  • Deep Argo target

Activity = 1284 operational deep floats - 1 float in 5°x5° degree

Intensity = 257 deep floats (considering life expectency of 5 years)

  • BGC Argo target

Activity = 1000 operational floats equipped with 6 sensors - 1 float in 6°X6° degree

Intensity = 200 full BGC floats (considering life expectency of 5 years)

Implementation targets by Bassin

Atlantic Ocean (from 60°N to 60°S and from 60°W to 30°E (marginal seas excluded)

Deep mission


  • Atlantic global = 286 operational deep floats
  • North Atlantic = 122 operational deep floats
  • South Atlantic = 164 operational deep floats


  • Atlantic global = 57 deep floats deployed over 12 months
  • North Atlantic = 24 deep floats deployed over 12 months
  • South Atlantic = 33 deep floats deployed over 12 months

BGC mission


  • Atlantic global = 216 operational full BGC floats
  • North Atlantic = 97 operational full BGC floats
  • South Atlantic = 119 operational full BGC floats


  • Atlantic global = 43 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months
  • North Atlantic = 20 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months
  • South Atlantic = 24 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Core mission


  • Atlantic global = 988 operational Argo floats
  • North Atlantic = 411 operational Argo floats including 68 double density floats
  • South Atlantic = 577 operational Argo floats including 117 double density floats


  • Atlantic global = 180 Argo floats deployed over 12 months
  • North Atlantic = 75 Argo floats deployed over 12 months
  • South Atlantic = 105 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Indian Ocean (from 90°W to 150°W, from 30°N to 60°S, marginal seas excluded)

Deep mission


  • Indian global = 246 operational deep floats
  • North Indian = 30 operational deep floats
  • South Indian = 216 operational deep floats


  • Indian global = 51 deep floats deployed over 12 months
  • North Indian = 6 deep floats deployed over 12 months
  • South Indian = 45 deep floats deployed over 12 months

BGC mission


  • Indian global = 189 operational full BGC floats
  • Indian North = 29 operational full BGC floats
  • Indian South = 160 operational full BGC floats


  • Indian global = 38 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months
  • Indian North = 6 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months
  • Indian South = 32 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Core mission


  • Indian global = 821 operational Argo floats
  • Indian North = 106 operational Argo floats including 17 double density floats
  • Indian South = 715 operational Argo floats including 107 double density floats


  • Indian global = 150 Argo floats deployed over 12 months deployed over 12 months
  • Indian North = 19 Argo floats deployed over 12 months deployed over 12 months
  • Indian South = 121 Argo floats deployed over 12 months deployed over 12 months

Pacific Ocean - (from 60°N to 60°S, marginal seas excluded)

Deep Mission


  • Pacific global = 576 operational deep floats
  • NorthWest Pacific (120°W - 180°W) = 104 operational deep floats
  • NorthEast Pacific (180°W - 102°E) = 159 operational deep floats
  • SouthWest Pacific (150°W - 159°E) = 148 operational deep floats
  • SouthEast Pacific (150°E - 60°E) = 165 operational deep floats


  • Pacific global = 115 deep floats deployed over 12 months
  • NorthWest Pacific (120°W - 180°W) = 21 deep floats deployed over 12 months
  • NorthEast Pacific (180°W - 102°E) = 32 deep floats deployed over 12 months
  • SouthWest Pacific (150°W - 159°E) = 30 deep floats deployed over 12 months
  • SouthEast Pacific (150°E - 60°E) = 33 deep floats deployed over 12 months

BGC mission


  • Pacific global = 425 full BGC floats
  • NorthWest Pacific (120°W - 180°W) = 75 full BGC floats
  • NorthEast Pacific (180°W - 102°E) = 118 full BGC floats
  • SouthWest Pacific (150°W - 159°E) = 110 full BGC floats
  • SouthEast Pacific (150°E - 60°E) = 121 full BGC floats


  • Pacific global = 85 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months
  • NorthWest Pacific (120°W - 180°W) = 15 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months
  • NorthEast Pacific (180°W - 102°E) = 24 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months
  • SouthWest Pacific (150°W - 159°E) = 22 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months
  • SouthEast Pacific (150°E - 60°E) = 24 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Core mission


  • Pacific global = 2057 Argo floats deployed over 12 months
  • NorthWest Pacific (120°W - 180°W) = 425 Argo floats including 140 double density floats
  • NorthEast Pacific (180°W - 102°E) = 548 Argo floats including 109 double density floats
  • SouthWest Pacific (150°W - 159°E) = 578 Argo floats including 155 double density floats
  • SouthEast Pacific (150°E - 60°E) = 506 Argo floats including 60 double density floats


  • Pacific global = 374 Argo floats
  • NorthWest Pacific (120°W - 180°W) = 77 Argo floats deployed over 12 months
  • NorthEast Pacific (180°W - 102°E) = 100 Argo floats deployed over 12 months
  • SouthWest Pacific (150°W - 159°E) = 105 Argo floats deployed over 12 months
  • SouthEast Pacific (150°E - 60°E) = 92 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Arctic (over 60°N)

Deep mission

Activity = 22 operational deep floats

Intensity = 4 deep floats deployed over 12 months

BGC mission

Activity = 34 operational full BGC floats

Intensity = 7 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Core mission

Activity = 69 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 13 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Southern Ocean (over 60°S)

Deep mission

Activity = 131 Operational deep floats

Intensity = 26 deep floats deployed over 12 months

BGC mission

Activity = 92 operational full BGC floats

Intensity = 18 full BGC float deployed over 12 months

Core mission

Activity = 376 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 68 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Marginal Seas

Deep mission

Activity = 23 operational deep floats

Intensity = 6 deep floats deployed over 12 months

Gulf of Mexico

Activity = 2 operational deep floats

Intensity = Not applicable

Carribean Sea

Activity = 7 operational deep floats

Intensity = 1 deep floats deployed over 12 months

Mediterannean Sea

Activity = 3 operational deep floats

Intensity = 1 deep floats deployed over 12 months

Japan Sea

Activity = 3 operational deep floats

Intensity = 1 deep floats deployed over 12 months

Meridional China Sea

Activity = 3 operational deep floats

Intensity = 1 deep floats deployed over 12 months

Indonesian Seas (Banda Sea and Celebe Sea)

Activity = 5 operational deep floats

Intensity = 1 deep floats deployed over 12 months

BGC mission

Activity = 45 operational full BGC floats

Intensity = 8 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Gulf of Mexico

Activity = 3 operational full BGC floats

Intensity = 1 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Carribean Sea

Activity = 7 operational full BGC floats

Intensity = 1 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Mediterannean Sea

Activity = 13 operational full BGC floats

Intensity = 3 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Black Sea

Activity = 3 operational full BGC floats

Intensity = 1 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Baltic Sea

Activity = 2 operational full BGC floats

Intensity = Not applicable

Japan Sea

Activity = 5 operational full BGC floats

Intensity = 1 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Meridional China Sea

Activity = 6 operational full BGC floats

Intensity = 1 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Indonesian Seas (Banda Sea and Celebe Sea)

Activity = 6 operational full BGC floats

Intensity = 1 full BGC floats deployed over 12 months

Core mission (double density)

Activity = 224 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 40 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Gulf of Mexico

Activity = 18 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 3 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Caribean Sea

Activity = 38 operational Argo floats

Intensity = Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Mediteranean Sea

Activity = 64 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 7 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Black Sea

Activity = 10 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 2 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Batlic Sea

Activity = 8 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 2 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Red Sea

Activity = 8 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 2 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Gulf of Aden

Activity = 4 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 1 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Persic Sea

Activity = 2 operational Argo floats

Intensity = Not applicable

Okhostk Sea

Activity = 8 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 2 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Japan Sea

Activity = 16 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 3 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Meridional China Sea

Activity = 22 operational Argo floats

Intensity = Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Indonesian Seas (Banda Sea and Celebe Sea)

Activity = 26 operational Argo floats

Intensity = 4 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Double density regions (marginal seas excluded)

Atlantic Ocean

WBC Gulf Stream

Activity = 100 operational Argo floats (50 cells with double density floats target)

Intensity = 18 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

WBC Argentine

Activity = 186 operational Argo floats (93 cells with double density floats target)

Intensity = 34 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

WBC Aghulas

Activity = 34 operational Argo floats (17 cells with double density floats target)

Intensity = 6 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

TPOS Atlantic

Activity = 70 operational Argo floats (18 cells in the north and 17 cells in the south with doubled density float target)

Intensity = 13 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Indian Ocean

TPOS India

Activity = 72 operational Argo floats (36 cells with double density floats target)

Intensity = Argo floats deployed over 12 months

WBC Agulahs

Activity = 166 operational Argo floats (88 cells with double density floats target)

Intensity = 13 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Pacific Ocean

WBC Kurishio

Activity = 104 operational Argo floats (52 cells with double density floats target)

Intensity = 19 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

TPOS Pacific North

Activity = 394 operational Argo floats (197 cells with double density floats target)

Intensity = 72 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

TPOS Pacific South

Activity = 308 operational Argo floats (154 cells with double density floats target)

Intensity = Argo floats deployed over 12 months

WBC Australia

Activity = 118 operational Argo floats (59 cells with double density floats target)

Intensity = 56 Argo floats deployed over 12 months

Polar regions

en consertation avec les chairs de Argo Polaire - Ces nouvelles target redéfinirons les targets de Arctic et Antarctic