sqrdist - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki

Geometric functions sq(ua)r(e)dist(ance)


  • sqrdist(destination, origin)


sqrdist(destination, origin) calculates the square distance (as the crow flies) between origin and destination points of the same domain unit.

The resulting data item has a float32 value type without metric. Use the value function to convert the result to the requested values unit.


The sqrdist calculates faster than the dist function and can be used if only the distance order is relevant.

applies to

  • destination and origin are data items with Point value type


The values unit and domain unit of the destination and origin arguments must match.


attribute<m2> sqrdistOD (ADomain) := value(sqrdist(destination, origin), m2);
destination origin sqrdistOD
{401331, 115135} {401331, 115135} 0
{399501, 111793} {399476, 111803} 725
{399339, 114883} {399289, 114903} 2900
{401804, 111323} {401729, 111353} 6525
{398796, 111701} {398696, 111741} 11600

ADomain, nr of rows = 5

see also

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