pow - ObjectVision/GeoDMS GitHub Wiki

Arithmetic functions power (^)


  • pow(base, exp)
  • base^exp


pow(base, exp) or base^exp results in the element-by-element exponentiation of the base values of data item base to the corresponding exponent values of data item exp.


The power operator can not (yet) be used associative, expressions as: a^b^c are not allowed, use (a^b)^c instead.

applies to

Data items with float32 or float 64 value type


  1. Domain of the arguments must match or be void (literals or parameters can be calculated with data items of any domain).
  2. Arguments must have matching:


1. attribute<float32> powAB (ADomain) := pow(A, B);
2. attribute<float32> powAB (ADomain) := A^B;
A B powAB
0 1 0
1 1 1
4 2 16
7 3 343
-5 -2 0.04

ADomain, nr of rows = 5

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